in 2002 December 11 No. 1950
Pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Safe Road Traffic (Gazette, 2000, no. 92-2883 ) by Article 3, Part 2, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania decided by :
1. Approve Road Traffic Rules (attached).
2. To instruct the Ministry of Transport to organize familiarization of the population with the Road Traffic Rules approved by this resolution through mass media.
3. Declared invalid:
3.1. 1993 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania November 29 resolution no. 883 "On Approval of Road Traffic Rules" (News., 1993, no. 66-1250 ), with the exception of clause 14.3 of the Road Traffic Rules approved by the specified resolution, which ceases to be effective as of 2003. September 1;
3.2. 1995 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania March 7 resolution no. 325 "On Partial Amendment of Road Traffic Rules" (Journal, 1995, no. 22-512 );
3.3. 1998 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania June 18 resolution no. 737 "On Partial Amendment of Road Traffic Rules" (Journal, 1998, no. 57-1601 );
3.4. 2000 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania November 6 resolution no. 1339 "On the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in 1993 November 29 resolution no. 883 "On Approval of Road Traffic Rules" Partial Amendment" (Journal, 2000, no. 95-2994 ).
4. This resolution comes into force from 2003. April 1, with the exception of Clause 174 of the Road Traffic Rules, which comes into force from 2003. September 1st.
Prime Minister Algirdas Brazauskas
Minister of Transport Zigm antas Balčytis
Government of the Republic of Lithuania
in 2002 December 11 by resolution no. 1950
I. General provisions
1. These rules determine the traffic order in the entire territory of the Republic of Lithuania.
2. Instructions, rules and other legal acts that determine road traffic, transport of special cargo, use and maintenance of vehicles, driving in a closed area cannot contradict these rules.
3. Service transport means vehicles that belong to companies, institutions and organizations located in the zone marked with prohibited road signs (hereinafter referred to as signs), persons living or working in that zone or that bring goods to (take out from) that zone, as well as taxis that bring to (departing from) that zone or arriving to pick up passengers at the specified address.
4. A person working on the road is a person who repairs or maintains the road, technical traffic regulation measures, and regulates and controls traffic. A person working on the road wears a special uniform (outfit).
5. Automagistralė means a road marked with the sign "Automagistralė".
6. Car - any motor vehicle designed to drive on the road and carry goods and/or passengers or tow other vehicles. Cars also include trolleybuses, ie non-rail electric vehicles that are powered by electric cables. Automobiles do not include motorcycles, tractors and self-propelled machines.
7. Poor visibility - road visibility caused by meteorological or other phenomena at a distance of less than 300 m, regardless of road parameters.
8. Give way (do not obstruct) - the road participant does not stop or start driving, does not make any maneuver that would force other road participants to change the direction of movement or speed.
9. A bicycle is a vehicle with at least two wheels with pedals and no engine.
10. Bicycle path - the part of the road marked with the sign "Bicycle path" intended for bicycle and moped traffic or a path where motor vehicle traffic is prohibited.
11. Traffic participant - a person participating in road traffic (driver, pedestrian, passenger).
12. Traffic accident - an event on the road, in public or private areas, during which, with the participation of a moving vehicle, people were killed or injured, at least one vehicle, load, road, its structures, or any other property at the scene was damaged or damaged.
13. Traffic lane - a longitudinal lane of the roadway, marked or unmarked with horizontal road marking lines (hereinafter referred to as marking lines), which is wide enough for cars to drive in one row.
14. Railway crossing - a level crossing of a road with a railway.
15. Residential zone - a road or territory, the beginning of which is marked with the sign "Residential zone" and the end - "End of residential zone".
16. A settlement is a territory presented by a house, at the beginning of which the roads are marked with the signs "Beginning of Settlement" and at the end - "End of Settlement".
17. Road - a strip of land or a structure surface intended and used for traffic over its entire width, including the roadway, intersections, sidewalks, curbs, pedestrian and bicycle paths, dividing lanes.
18. Road signs - signs specified in these rules, which determine the traffic order, warn road users or provide them with information.
19. Curb - a road element located next to the carriageway (from its edge to the edge of the roadbed), covered with the same surface as the carriageway or different or (and) separated from the carriageway by a marking line marking its edge, but not considered a sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle on the way
20. Overtaking - passing one or several moving vehicles while entering the oncoming traffic lane.
21. Permitted maximum mass - the mass of a fully assembled vehicle (or combination of vehicles) with driver, passengers and cargo, which the factory or competent state authorities have determined as the maximum permissible.
22. Routed vehicle (routed transport) means a vehicle (bus, school bus, trolleybus, routed taxi) traveling on a regular route.
23. Unladen mass - the mass of the vehicle without the driver, passengers and cargo, but with a full supply of fuel and a set of tools.
24. Mass with load - the actual mass of the vehicle with driver, passengers and load.
25. A school bus is a yellow-painted, distinctively marked bus that transports children (students) on special trips.
26. Moped - a two-wheeled or three-wheeled vehicle with an engine cylinder capacity of no more than 50 cm 3 and a maximum design speed of no more than 45 km/h.
27. Motorcycle - a two-wheeled motor vehicle (with or without a sidecar) with an internal combustion engine cylinder(s) displacement greater than 50 cm³ and/or a maximum design speed greater than 45 km/h. This concept also includes three-wheeled motor vehicles with an unladen mass of no more than 400 kg.
28. Motor vehicle means a vehicle with an engine, excluding rail vehicles and mopeds.
29. Main road - a road marked with the signs "Main road", "Intersection with side road", "Side road from right (left)", "Motorway" in relation to the crossing or joining road; road of another road marked with road signs "Intersection with main road", "No driving without stopping", "End of residential zone", in relation to; a paved road (concrete, asphalt, crushed stone, gravel, pavement, etc.) in relation to an unpaved road. A paved section on a side road just before the intersection does not make it equivalent to a crossing. The main road does not exist at controlled intersections.
30. Pedestrian - a person on the road not in a vehicle, as well as riding a wheelchair, rollerblades, skateboard, scooter, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, pulling (pushing) a sled, a child's or other stroller. A person working on the road is not considered a pedestrian: for him the road is a place of work.
31. Pedestrian crossing - a place of crossing the road on the carriageway, marked with the signs "Pedestrian crossing" and the marking lines of the carriageway or only with the signs "Pedestrian crossing". The boundaries of the pedestrian crossing are marked by the marking lines of the carriageway, and if there are none, by imaginary lines running from these markings perpendicularly across the road.
32. Pedestrian path - a part of the road or path intended for pedestrians, marked with signs "Pedestrian path" or "Pedestrian and bicycle path".
33. Forced stop - stopping (stopping) the vehicle when it is impossible or dangerous to continue driving.
34. Trailer means a vehicle intended to be towed by a motor vehicle. Semi-trailers are also considered trailers.
35. Semi-trailer- a trailer coupled to a motor vehicle in such a way that part of it rests on the motor vehicle and the majority of its mass and the mass of the load falls on the motor vehicle.
36. Regulator - a person authorized to regulate traffic and wearing a uniform and/or having a distinguishing mark (armband, regulator's baton, circle with a red reflector or brightly colored flag).
37. Intersection - a place where roads cross, connect at the same level, including open areas formed by road intersections, junctions. Crossroads are not considered to be road forks and places where you leave the road to the areas next to it (enter the road from the areas next to it). An intersection is regulated if the traffic is regulated by traffic lights or a regulator.
38. Separation lane - a structural element of the road that separates adjacent roadways (greened with lawn, vegetation or with a road surface equipped with protective barriers) and is not intended for vehicles to drive or stop (park).
39. Special vehicles - operational services and other vehicles with special light and sound signals or only or special light signals.
40. Parking means the pre-arranged stopping of a vehicle for a longer period of time than is necessary to board passengers or to load the vehicle.
41. Stopping means a pre-arranged stopping of a vehicle for no longer than is needed to board passengers or to load the vehicle.
42. Sidewalk - the part of the road intended for pedestrians, located next to the carriageway or separated from it.
43. The dark time of the day is the period from sunset to sunrise.
44. Vehicle - device intended for transporting people and/or goods. This concept also includes tractors and self-propelled machines.
45. A combination of vehicles - several vehicles connected, which participate in road traffic as a unit.
46. Owner of a vehicle means a person who owns and uses a vehicle on the basis of ownership, trust, lease, use or other legal basis. A natural person who drives the owner's vehicle is not considered the owner of the vehicle.
47. Driver - a person who drives or teaches to drive a vehicle, drives animals or birds on the road, as well as a rider, handler.
48. Roadway - the part of the road intended for vehicles. A road may have several carriageways separated from each other by dividing lanes or located at different levels.
49. Intersection of carriageways - the area bounded by the lines imagined by extending the edges of the intersecting carriageways (on roads with a dividing lane - the outer edges of the carriageways).
III. General responsibilities of road users
50. The behavior of road users is based on mutual respect and caution.
51. Road users must know the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on safe road traffic, know these rules and follow them.
52. Traffic on roads in the Republic of Lithuania can be restricted only by road signs (discussed in Appendix 1 of these rules), road markings, traffic lights and regulator signals provided for in these rules and other normative traffic regulation acts in force in the country. If the road sign and road marking requirements differ, the road sign should be used.
53. Road users must observe all necessary precautions, not endanger the safety and environment of other road users, other persons or their property, not obstruct traffic, not damage the road, traffic control measures, emergency communication lines and greenery.
54. In order to avoid harmful consequences or reduce them, road users must take all necessary measures, except in cases where this would endanger their own lives or health of other people, or such measures would cause even more damage compared to the one that could be avoided.
55. It is prohibited to arbitrarily move, cover, remove or install technical measures that determine the traffic order, block the road, leave any objects on the road or otherwise obstruct traffic.
56. Road users who have created or noticed an obstacle on the road, caused or noticed a danger in it, must remove this obstacle or danger, and if unable to do so - notify the police, the road owner or the company maintaining the road, mark the obstacle or dangerous place and warn about the obstacle or danger in all possible ways danger to other road users.
57. It is forbidden to throw any objects, garbage, pour lubricants in places not specially designated or pollute the environment in any other way from the vehicle.
58. After receiving an invitation from the police, the road user must come to the police at the specified time. He must have a personal identification document with him, and the driver of a motor vehicle must have a driver's license and vehicle registration document with him.
IV. General duties of drivers
59. It is forbidden to drive a vehicle without this right. When driving a vehicle, the driver must comply with the conditions specified in the driver's license.
60. It is prohibited to operate a vehicle that is not technically in order, that does not meet the technical requirements.
61. The driver of a motor vehicle must have with him and give it to the police officer for inspection:
61.1. driver's license valid in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania;
61.2. vehicle registration and state technical inspection documents;
61.3. an insurance document prescribed by law;
61.4. cargo transportation documents (depending on the circumstances – and other documents specified in clauses 236, 238, 250, 260 of these rules).
62. When stopped by a uniformed police officer (regulator), the driver of the vehicle must stop it. After stopping the vehicle, the driver must submit the documents to the police officer without getting out of the vehicle. The driver is allowed to get out of the vehicle only with the permission of the checking police officer. Upon the driver's request, the inspecting officer must show his official certificate or the corresponding official badge confirming his authority.
63. At the request of a police officer, the driver must get out of the vehicle, allow the technical condition of the vehicle to be checked, the readings of devices authorized to determine the duration of driving and rest, or the documents determining the duration of rest.
64. The driver must take all necessary measures to ensure his and his passengers' safety during the trip.
65. When driving a motor vehicle with installed seat belts, the driver must fasten them and not carry passengers with unfastened seat belts.
66. A motorcycle or moped must be driven with both hands (except when a signal is shown with a hand). The driver of a motorcycle or moped must wear a safety helmet and not carry passengers without safety helmets. It is allowed to drive a motorcycle without a safety helmet, if the frame structure of the motorcycle manufacturer has built-in roof safety hoops, the purpose of which is to protect the rider from impacts, and a built-in safety belt system.
67. While driving a motor vehicle, it is prohibited to use mobile communication devices if used by hand, except in cases when the engine of a stationary motor vehicle is switched off.
68. It is forbidden to drive a vehicle while intoxicated (drunk) or under the influence of psychoactive substances (drugs, medicines, other intoxicating substances). It is also prohibited to drive when sick or tired, if there may be a risk to safe traffic, to let persons who are affected by at least one of the specified factors or do not have the documents specified in point 61 of these regulations to drive the vehicle.
69. Vehicles with tracked chassis are prohibited from driving on roads covered with asphalt or concrete, except for vehicles with airbags installed on the tracks.
70. At the request of a police officer, the driver must submit to the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to be checked whether he is intoxicated (drunk) or under the influence of psychoactive substances (drugs, medicines, other intoxicating substances).
71. The driver of a motor vehicle must be able to provide first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident.
V. Duties of drivers to pedestrians
72. When entering the road from nearby territories, leaving the road or turning right or left at intersections, the driver must give way to the pedestrian whose direction of movement he is crossing. In all cases, the driver must give way to a pedestrian when driving backwards.
73. At a controlled intersection or pedestrian crossing, when the signals of the traffic light or the regulator allow driving, the driver must give way to a pedestrian who did not have time to cross the roadway and who entered it when the signal allowed to go. When driving in the direction shown by the arrow, activated in the additional section together with a yellow or red signal, the driver must give way to a pedestrian.
74. If the signals of the traffic light or regulator prohibit driving through the pedestrian crossing, the driver must stop in front of the "Stop" line, the "Stop line" sign, the traffic light, and if there are none - in front of the pedestrian crossing. Drivers who, when the yellow traffic light is on or when the regulator raises his hand, could only stop at the specified places by sudden braking, are allowed to continue driving.
75. When approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing, the driver must slow down or stop to allow a pedestrian entering any lane in the direction of travel, or on roads with one lane in each direction, any pedestrian entering the crossing.
76. If a vehicle has stopped in front of a pedestrian crossing, the driver traveling in the same direction must stop and start driving again only after making sure that there is no pedestrian in the crossing whom he could obstruct or cause danger.
77. A driver is prohibited from entering a pedestrian crossing if there is congestion behind it, which would require stopping, and the stopped vehicle would obstruct pedestrians.
78. The driver must give way to an organized group of children crossing the carriageway, if the person accompanying them signals with a regulator stick, a disc with a red reflector or a brightly colored flag.
79. When approaching a stopped vehicle with a child transport sign or a school bus, the driver must slow down and, if necessary, stop to let the children pass.
80. Everywhere (not even at a pedestrian crossing) the driver must give way to a blind pedestrian signaling with a white stick or a disabled person crossing the road in a wheelchair.
VI. Pedestrian duties
81. Pedestrians must walk on sidewalks or footpaths on the right side, and where there are none, on the side of the road. If there is no sidewalk, footpath, or curb, or if it is not possible to walk on them, it is allowed to walk in one row on the edge of the carriageway.
82. Pedestrians walking on the curb or edge of the carriageway must walk in front of the direction of travel of vehicles.
83. Persons who drive wheelchairs, ride a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, pull (push) a sled or a wheelchair on the side of the road or, in permitted cases, on the edge of the carriageway, must move only in one row and only in the direction of movement of vehicles.
84. An organized group of people is allowed to walk along the carriageway in a column of no more than 4 rows and only on the right side of the carriageway. Escorts with brightly colored flags must walk at the front and rear of the column from the left side. It is forbidden for an organized group of people to walk on the roadway in the dark or when visibility is poor.
85. It is allowed to lead an organized group of children under the age of 16 only on sidewalks or footpaths, and where there are none, on the side of the road, but only in daylight and accompanied by at least 2 adults.
86. Pedestrians walking along an unlit curb or the edge of a carriageway in the dark or in poor visibility must carry a lighted lantern or attach a reflective reflector to your clothing. A towed (pushed) wheelchair wider than 1 m must be equipped with reflectors: on the left side of the wheelchair from the front - white, and from the back - red.
87. Pedestrians must go to the other side of the carriageway only through pedestrian crossings (also underground and above the road), and where there are none, at intersections along the line of sidewalks or curbs. Pedestrians must not cross the crosswalk. When there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle in both directions in places with a good view, but only after making sure that it is safe to go and will not interfere with vehicles.
88. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must follow traffic lights with a pedestrian symbol, and when there are none, traffic traffic signals. Pedestrians must obey the signals of the regulator even if they conflict with the signals of the traffic lights.
89. Pedestrians are allowed to enter the roadway at pedestrian crossings only after they have assessed the distance to the approaching vehicles and their speed.
90. Pedestrians must not delay or stop unnecessarily in the carriageway. Those who have not had time to cross the carriageway must stand on the safety island or on a marked or imaginary line separating traffic flows in opposite directions. You can finish crossing the road only after making sure that it is safe to go.
91. When the yellow traffic signal lights up or when the regulator raises his hand, pedestrians, depending on which part of the road they are on, must finish crossing it or stop at a safety island or on a marked or imaginary line separating traffic flows in opposite directions.
92. When a special vehicle with blue and red (or only blue) flashing beacons and special sound signals is approaching, pedestrians must not start crossing the carriageway, and those on the carriageway must leave it immediately.
93. Pedestrians are prohibited from:
93.1. walk across the carriageway in places where there are traffic or pedestrian barriers, and in settlements - and where there is a dividing line (except for pedestrian crossings and intersections);
93.2. go on the highway (except footpaths);
93.3. walk in the dividing lane or next to it on the edge of the carriageway;
93.4. leave from behind a parked vehicle or other obstacle that obstructs the view of the place, without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles;
93.5. go on bike paths;
93.6. leave the scene of the traffic accident if pedestrians are involved.
VII. Duties of passengers
94. It is allowed to wait for scheduled transport only in the boarding areas of the stops, and where there are none - on the sidewalk or roadside.
95. Passengers are allowed to board (disembark) only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.
96. If a police officer stops the vehicle, passengers are only allowed to get out with his permission.
97. Passengers are allowed to get into (get out of) the vehicle from the side of the carriageway only if it is impossible to do so from the side of the sidewalk or curb and if it will be safe and will not disturb other road users.
98. Passengers must wear seat belts when riding a motor vehicle with seat belts, and safety helmets when riding a motorcycle or moped.
99. Passengers are prohibited from distracting the driver and preventing him from driving the vehicle.
100. Persons riding in the body of a truck are prohibited from standing, sitting on the sides, or being on the load higher than the sides.
VIII. Additional requirements for BICYCLE and moped drivers
101. Riding a bicycle on the roads is allowed for persons at least 12 years old, and if they have attended an additional training course and have a certificate issued by the school, at least 10 years old. There is no age limit for bicycle riders in the residential area. Driving on a moped is allowed for persons at least 15 years old.
102. When driving on the road, the moped driver must have with him a document issued by the educational institution confirming that he knows these rules.
103. The driver of a bicycle or moped is only allowed to ride a bicycle or moped with a working brake and a sound signal. A bicycle or moped must have a red light reflector at the back, and orange light reflectors attached to the wheel spokes on both sides; when driving on the road in the dark or when visibility is poor, a white light lamp must be lit in front.
104. It is allowed to ride a bicycle or moped only on bicycle paths, and where there are none, on a suitable (asphalt or concrete) curb according to the direction of traffic. When there is no bicycle path and the roadside is not suitable, it is allowed to ride in one row on the right lane of the carriageway, as close as possible to its right edge, except for the cases provided for in point 150 of these rules. When driving on the sidewalk, the driver of a bicycle or moped must not obstruct or endanger pedestrians.
105. If the traffic is heavy and it is necessary to turn left, turn around or cross to the other side of the road, the driver of the bicycle or moped must get off and cross the road while driving the bicycle or moped, without creating an obstacle for other vehicles.
106. At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path and a road that is not at an intersection, the driver of a bicycle or moped must give way to other vehicles and pedestrians traveling on it.
107. On a bicycle path marked at the edge of the carriageway, which is not separated from the adjacent traffic lane by a lawn, curb, barriers, etc., the driver of a bicycle or moped is allowed to ride only in the same direction as the traffic in the adjacent lane.
108. On a bicycle path, the driver of a bicycle or moped must drive as close as possible to the right edge of the path (the part of the path intended for them). If the roadway is on a path or sidewalk intended for pedestrian and bicycle traffic marking lines (with a white bicycle symbol) is a marked part of the path (sidewalk) intended for bicycle traffic, the bicycle driver must ride only on it and as close as possible to its right edge. Bicycle and moped drivers must not endanger pedestrians.
109. In places where traffic is regulated by traffic lights, bicycle and moped drivers must obey traffic lights with a bicycle symbol, and when there are no traffic lights, traffic traffic signals.
110. Bicycle and moped drivers are prohibited from:
110.1. ride on the roadway, if there are bike lanes;
110.2. drive on motorways (except for cycle paths separated from the carriageway and marked with signs);
110.3. drive without holding at least one hand on the steering wheel;
110.4. carry passengers if there are no special seating areas;
110.5. transport, tow or push loads that interfere with driving or endanger other road users;
110.6. being towed by other vehicles;
110.7. tow vehicles other than trailers;
110.8. drive while clinging to other vehicles.
IX. Additional requirements for drivers, drivers of animals or birds, riders
111. People under 12 years of age are allowed to lead the roads, drive animals or birds, and ride horses.
112. Driving, driving animals or birds, riding is allowed only on the right side of the road, and if there is none - on the right side of the carriageway, as close as possible to the edge of the carriageway, without endangering other road users.
113. Guided carts or sleds must have white light reflectors on the front, orange on the sides, and red light reflectors on the back, fixed in clearly visible places and marking the edge dimensions of the cart or sled.
114. When guiding, driving animals or birds on roads in the dark or when visibility is poor, lights are necessary, which must be lit on the left side of the cart, sled or animals: a white light in front and a red light in the back.
115. A herd of driven animals or a flock of birds must be divided into groups, between which there must be such distances as not to obstruct traffic. There must be enough drivers to manage livestock and ensure traffic safety.
116. Handlers, drivers of animals or birds, riders, other persons are prohibited from:
116.1. leave animals or birds unattended on or near the road;
116.2. tether animals so that they can go out on the road;
116.3. to drive animals or birds on a pavement, a road with an asphalt or concrete surface without the consent of the owner of the road;
116.4. drive animals or birds across railways and roads where there are no specially designated areas;
116.5. ride on the roadway in the dark;
116.6. driving, driving animals or birds, riding on highways.
X. Traffic control signals
117. Traffic light signals have the following meanings:
117.1. a green circular signal allows traffic;
117.2. a green arrow-shaped signal on a dark background allows traffic only in the directions indicated by the arrows. The green arrow in the additional section of the traffic light has the same meaning (an arrow that allows you to turn left also allows you to turn around);
117.3. a green flashing signal allows traffic and warns that its time is running out and the prohibition signal will soon be activated;
117.4. a green signal with a pedestrian symbol allows pedestrians to go;
117.5. a green signal with a bicycle symbol allows you to ride bicycles and mopeds;
117.6. a green signal with a black outline arrow(s) allows you to drive in the directions of the arrow(s) marked on it and warns that the traffic light has an additional section(s);
117.7. a yellow signal prohibits traffic and warns that the traffic lights will change; if the signal contains arrows with a black outline, they inform in which directions driving will be allowed when the green signal is activated;
117.8. combined yellow and red signals prohibit traffic and warn that a green signal will be activated;
117.9. a yellow flashing signal allows traffic and warns that the intersection or pedestrian crossing is not regulated;
117.10. a white flashing signal used at level crossings allows traffic to pass after making sure that a rail vehicle is not approaching the level crossing;
117.11. a red signal or two alternately flashing red signals prohibits traffic; if the signal contains arrows with a black outline, they inform in which directions driving will be allowed when the green signal is activated;
117.12. a red signal with a pedestrian symbol prohibits pedestrian traffic;
117. 13. a red signal with a bicycle symbol prohibits bicycle and moped traffic;
117. 14. a red X-shaped signal and a green downward-pointing arrow signal (reversing traffic light) respectively prohibit or allow driving in the lane above which they are installed. If the reverse traffic light has a yellow signal in the form of an arrow pointing diagonally to the right (left), it warns that driving in that lane will be prohibited and obliges you to immediately change lanes to the adjacent lane in the direction indicated by the arrow. When the traffic lights are off or the yellow signal is on, entering the lane marked with a double dashed line is prohibited.
118. Traffic light signals are arranged vertically from top to bottom in the following order: red, yellow, green. If necessary, the signals can also be arranged horizontally: red - on the left, yellow - in the middle, green - on the right. Road users must follow the signals of the traffic lights installed in the direction of their movement and intended for them (including duplicating ones).
119. If an additional section with a green arrow is installed at a green traffic light, driving in the direction indicated by the arrow is allowed only when the signal of this section is activated.
120. If there is a sign with a green arrow pointing to the right at a red traffic light, drivers are allowed to turn right even when the traffic light is on, but they must give way and not endanger other vehicles and pedestrians.
121. A white square-shaped sign with black arrows, installed under the traffic light or above the traffic light with black outline arrows in its signals, additionally indicates which directions are allowed to drive when the green signal is activated.
122. The regulator signals have the following meanings:
122.1. arms out to the sides or down:
122.1.1. it is allowed to drive straight and to the right from the right and left sides, and pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway;
122.1.2. all vehicular and pedestrian traffic is prohibited from the chest and back side;
122.2. right hand extended forward:
122.2.1. from the left side, vehicles are allowed to drive in all directions;
122.2.2. from the chest side, vehicles are allowed to drive only to the right;
122.2.3. all vehicle traffic is prohibited from the rear and right side;
122.2.4. pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway behind the regulator;
122.3. hand raised up:
122.3.1. all road users are prohibited from moving in any direction;
122.3.2. drivers must stop without changing lanes.
123. The driver must stop the vehicle, the pedestrian must stop when the police officer (regulator) gives a signal with the regulator's stick or wheel with a red reflective bridge across the direction of movement or orders to stop through the loudspeaker. In order to draw the attention of road users, a police officer (regulator) can give a signal with a whistle. Upon receiving the signal, the driver must immediately stop the vehicle at the specified place; if the place is not indicated - on the right curb, and when there is no curb - on the right edge of the carriageway.
124. Traffic light signals can be additionally duplicated with sound signals to inform blind pedestrians that it is possible to cross the roadway.
125. At railway crossings, the red traffic light signal is duplicated by an audio signal.
XI. Warning signals
126. Warning signals are: indicated by turn signals, brake lights or by hand; Horn; switching the light of the lights; turning on the emergency light alarm; putting up an emergency stop sign.
127. The driver must warn of the appropriate direction with the turn light signals, and if there is no light signal or it is broken, by hand:
127.1. before starting to drive and before stopping;
127.2. before changing lanes, before turning right or left, before turning.
128. The left turn signal is indicated by the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent perpendicularly upwards at the elbow.
129. The right turn signal is indicated by the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent perpendicularly upwards at the elbow.
130. The brake signal is indicated by raising the left or right hand.
131. Warning signals must be started in advance of the maneuver (braking related to the maneuver) and completed immediately after the maneuver (hand signaling can be completed immediately before the maneuver). The signal must be displayed in such a way that it does not confuse other road users.
132. The driver showing the signal does not acquire the right of way.
133. The use of sound signals is not allowed in residential areas, except when they are necessary to avoid a traffic accident.
134. In order to attract the attention of the overtaking driver, it is possible to switch the lights, instead of using the sound signal in residential areas.
135. It is forbidden to use high beams as a warning signal if they can dazzle other drivers (even through the rear view mirror).
136. Emergency light signaling in a motor vehicle must be activated:
136.1. after a forced stop, where stopping (standing) is prohibited;
136.2. in the event of a traffic accident;
136.3. after being stopped by a police officer (regulator);
136.4. if at least one marker (parking) light is not on when stopping on unlit road sections in the dark or in poor visibility, and at least one rear marker light is not on when driving;
136.5. when it is towed;
136.6. when the driver is dazzled;
136.7. when you want to warn other drivers about an obstacle or danger.
137. If there is no emergency light signaling or it is faulty, as well as if a forced stop is made where the stopped vehicle can be seen by other road users less than 100 m before it, the driver of a motor vehicle (except for a motorcycle without a trailer) must place an emergency stop sign: in settlements - no closer than 25 m, and in non-residential areas - no closer than 50 m from a stopped vehicle.
XII. Use of light devices
138. In the dark or when visibility is poor, drivers of motor vehicles must drive on roads with low or high beams on.
139. In the dark or when visibility is poor, the high beams of the headlamps must be switched to low beams:
139.1. on lighted roads in settlements;
139.2. at least 150 m before the oncoming vehicle;
139.3. in other cases, when the high beams of headlights can dazzle drivers (even those traveling in the same direction) or when an oncoming driver gives a signal by switching lights.
140. A dazzled driver must turn on the emergency light alarm and slow down before entering the other traffic lane, and stop if necessary.
141. During daylight hours, drivers of motor vehicles must drive on the roads with their dipped headlights on:
141.1. from September 1 until April 1;
141.2. transporting children on school buses or groups of children on other buses;
141.3. transporting groups of people in the bodies of freight cars;
141.4. when transporting dangerous and large cargoes, when the dimensions of the vehicles (cargoes) exceed the sizes established by the Ministry of Transport;
141.5. towing motor vehicles;
141.6. while learning to drive;
141.7. while riding motorcycles and mopeds;
141.8. when driving in an organized convoy of three or more motor vehicles;
141.9. when traveling by shuttle vehicles in a specially marked lane in front of the general flow of vehicles;
141.10. driving through tunnels no matter how lit they are.
142. Fog lights are only allowed to be used in poor visibility, and front lights are only allowed if the front left dipped beam is broken.
143. When stopping on an unlit section of the road in the dark or when visibility is poor, it is necessary to turn on the position or parking lights of the motor vehicle. If they are broken, the emergency light alarm must be activated or the motor vehicle must be parked off the road. If this cannot be done, it is necessary to mark the place as provided in clause 137 of these rules.
XIII. Starting and maneuvering
144. Traffic in the Republic of Lithuania takes place on the right side of the road. The imaginary longitudinal axis of the carriageway separates the traffic of opposite directions on the carriageway, if there are no road signs or markings indicating otherwise.
145. Before starting to drive, before changing lanes and otherwise changing the direction of travel, the driver must make sure that it is safe to do so and give way (not obstruct) other road users.
146. When entering the road from the areas near it, the driver must give way to the vehicles driving on it.
147. When leaving the road, the driver must give way to the vehicles driving in the direction of movement of which he is crossing.
148. When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles traveling in the same direction in the adjacent lane. If vehicles traveling in the same direction change lanes together, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.
149. If on a road where there are two (or more) traffic lanes in the same direction, traffic is not allowed in one of them and a queue of vehicles has formed, each driver driving in the adjacent lane must allow one vehicle (the first of the queue) to switch to the lane occupied by him. The person crossing the line must make sure that he is given way.
150. Before turning to the right, left or turning (except for a turn to an intersection where traffic flows in a circle), the driver must first pull over to the appropriate edge of the carriageway intended for driving in that direction. Road signs and/or marking lines may override this requirement.
151. When, due to its dimensions or other reasons, the vehicle cannot turn (turn) from the edge position, it is allowed to turn not from the edge of the carriageway, if it does not obstruct other vehicles and does not cause danger to other road users.
152. It is necessary to turn so that the vehicle does not end up in the oncoming traffic lane when entering and exiting the intersection. If turning is allowed in several rows, the driver must turn in such a way as not to obstruct the turner in the adjacent row.
153. When turning to the left (turning around) outside the intersection, the driver must give way to vehicles traveling in the opposite direction, and in places where there is no more than one traffic lane in the direction of travel, to vehicles overtaking him.
154. If the traffic is very intense and all lanes are occupied, it is allowed to change lanes only to turn, turn around or stop when necessary.
155. If there is a deceleration lane, the driver intending to turn must move to this lane in advance and slow down only in that lane.
156. If there is an acceleration lane for entering the road, the driver must drive through it and merge into the traffic flow, giving way to vehicles driving through it.
157. A driver traveling much slower than the speed limit (except when turning left or turning) must pass faster vehicles behind him by moving as far to the right as possible. The driver of a slow-moving or large vehicle must stop and pass the vehicles behind him if necessary.
158. When driving backwards, the driver must give way to other road users.
159. When the trajectories of vehicles cross, and the order of driving is not discussed in these rules, the driver to whom the vehicle is approaching from the right must give way.
160. Turning around is prohibited:
160.1. in pedestrian crossings;
160.2. at railway crossings;
160.3. in tunnels;
160.4. on and under bridges, overpasses, viaducts;
160.5. in places where road visibility in at least one direction is less than 100 meters;
160.6. on roads with a dividing lane, except for turning points equipped for this purpose and marked with road signs and markings.
XIV. Arrangement of vehicles on the road
161. If the carriageway of the road is divided into lanes by marking lines and/or road signs, vehicles must drive in these lanes. Driving on dashed marking lines is allowed only when switching to another traffic lane, crossing continuous marking lines is allowed only in the cases specified in Appendix 2 of these rules. In the presence of a continuous marking line (single or double) separating opposite directions traffic lanes, the driver must drive to the right of it.
162. On a two-way road with four or more lanes or a road with a dividing lane, it is prohibited to enter the side of the road intended for traffic in the opposite direction, drive on the dividing lane or cross it.
163. On two-way traffic roads with three lanes, it is allowed to enter the middle lane only when overtaking, going around an obstacle, turning left or turning. It is prohibited to enter the side lane of the carriageway intended for traffic in the opposite direction.
164. The driver must drive as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway.
165. Trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 t are prohibited from driving further from the edge of the carriageway than the second traffic lane, except when they need to turn left, turn around, go around an obstacle, stop (stand) on a one-way road.
166. In non-residential areas, drivers driving vehicles whose speed must not exceed 40 km/h, as well as vehicles with a total length of more than 7 m, must keep such a distance from the vehicle in front that they can change lanes without being hindered by vehicles overtaking them. right side of the road. The requirement does not apply if the driver prepares to overtake himself, as well as in busy traffic.
167. Vehicles whose design speed cannot exceed 40 km/h or which for technical reasons cannot reach this speed must drive only in the far right lane, except when overtaking, detouring, changing lanes or stopping to load goods on a one-way road.
168. If a special lane for route transport is marked on the carriageway, other vehicles may enter it only under the conditions provided for in point 224 of these rules.
169. It is forbidden to drive on the lawn, sidewalk, footpath or drive onto them, except in cases where driving on the edge of the sidewalk is permitted by signs indicating the way of parking.
170. It is forbidden to overtake vehicles traveling in the same direction from the right (with the exception of permitted overtaking of vehicles turning left, turning from the right) while driving on the curb, deceleration or acceleration lane, unless road signs and markings provide otherwise.
171. The driver, taking into account the speed, must keep such a distance that he does not hit the vehicle in front if it is braking, and also leave such a gap from the side to keep the traffic safe.
XV. Driving speed
172. The driver must drive within the permitted speed limit, as well as choose a safe speed, taking into account the intensity of traffic, the characteristics of the load and the vehicle, their condition, road and meteorological conditions, visibility, so that he can control the vehicle at all times.
173. If an obstacle has appeared or there is a threat to traffic safety, the driver (if he can notice it) must slow down, even stop the vehicle completely or go around the obstacle without endangering other road users.
174. In settlements, all vehicles are allowed to drive at a maximum speed of 50 km/h.
175. Driving outside settlements is allowed:
175.1. by passenger cars on motorways from April 1. until November 1 at a speed not exceeding 130 km/h, from November 1. until April 1 – at a speed not exceeding 110 km/h; on roads with a dividing lane - no more than 100 km/h, on other roads - no more than 90 km/h;
175.2. motorcycles, trucks with a maximum permissible mass of no more than 3.5 t, on motorways - at a speed of no more than 110 km/h, on roads with a dividing lane - at a speed of no more than 100 km/h, on other roads - at a speed of no more than 90 km /h speed;
175.3. by buses on highways - no more than 100 km/h, on roads with a dividing lane - no more than 90 km/h, on other roads - no more than 80 km/h;
175.4. by trucks (including combinations of vehicles) with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 t, buses with trailers on highways - no more than 90 km/h, on roads with a dividing lane - no more than 80 km/h, on other roads – at a speed not exceeding 70 km/h;
175.5. passenger cars and trucks with a maximum permissible mass of no more than 3.5 t with trailers - all year round at a speed of no more than 90 km/h;
175.6. by school buses, trucks when transporting people, when towing motor vehicles - at a speed not exceeding 70 km/h (when towing a flexible tractor - at a speed not exceeding 50 km/h).
176. For means of transport (their combinations) whose dimensions (with or without cargo) exceed the maximum permitted ones set by the Ministry of Transport sizes, it is allowed to drive at a maximum speed of 50 km/h (unless otherwise specified in the issued permit).
177. On road sections, where traffic conditions allow safe driving faster, the maximum permitted speed may be increased by the decision of the police and the road owner after placing appropriate road signs.
178. Drivers who do not have 2 years of driving experience, as well as persons who are learning to drive, are allowed to drive at a maximum speed of 70 km/h.
179. The driver is prohibited from:
179.1. exceed the maximum speed specified by the vehicle manufacturer;
179.2. exceed the speed indicated on the vehicle's speed limit sign;
179.3. driving unnecessarily too slowly, obstructing the normal traffic of other vehicles;
179.4. to brake suddenly if it is not necessary for traffic safety.
XVI. Bending
180. Before starting to overtake, the driver must make sure that:
180.1. none of the drivers following him, who could be obstructed, started overtaking;
180.2. the driver of the vehicle driving in the same lane in front does not show the left turn signal;
180.3. the lane section necessary for overtaking is free and will not be obstructed by oncoming vehicles;
180.4. when he finishes overtaking, he will be able to return to his lane without obstructing the vehicle being overtaken.
181. If the driver in front shows a left turn signal and has changed lanes for a left turn (turn), the driver behind him must go around the turning vehicle from the right or wait until the driver in front clears the lane.
182. The driver of the overtaking vehicle is prohibited from obstructing the overtaking by increasing the driving speed or by other actions.
183. If it is difficult to pass the vehicle in front, the driver on whose side there is an obstacle must give way. On slopes marked with appropriate signs, in the event of an obstacle, the driver of the vehicle going downhill must give way.
184. Bending is prohibited:
184.1. at intersections, except for turning on the main road;
184.2. at railway crossings and within 100 m of them;
184.3. on road sections where the road is not easily visible;
184.4. in pedestrian crossings;
184.5. in places where there is more than one traffic lane in the direction of travel.
XVII. Stopping and standing
185. Stopping and parking of vehicles is allowed on the right side of the road, as far to the right as possible on the side of the road, and if there is none - on the side of the carriageway.
186. In settlements, it is allowed to stop and park on the left side on one-way traffic roads, as well as on roads with one lane in each direction.
187. On unlit road sections, parking is allowed only in parking lots or outside the road in the dark or when visibility is poor.
188. One row is allowed for vehicles to stop and park on the carriageway.
189. Motorcycles without a trailer, mopeds and bicycles are allowed to be parked in two rows, if this does not obstruct the traffic.
190. Parking the vehicle at an angle to the edge of the carriageway is permitted only where signs indicating the parking method and/or marking of the carriageway allow it.
191. The driver can leave his place or leave the vehicle only after taking care that it does not start rolling by itself or that it is not used by other persons.
192. It is forbidden to open the doors of a stopped vehicle if this poses a danger or hinders other road users.
193. Stopping and standing is prohibited:
193.1. at railway crossings and at a distance of 50 m from them;
193.2. in the separation, acceleration and deceleration lanes;
193.3. on and under bridges, viaducts, overpasses, as well as in tunnels;
193.4. at pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them;
193.5. on the sidewalk, lawn (except in cases where parking is allowed by signs indicating the way of parking);
193.6. on a pedestrian or bicycle path, as well as closer than 5 m before the intersection of the roadway with a pedestrian or (and) bicycle path;
193.7. where the distance between the stopped vehicle and the continuous marking line (kerb) is less than 3 m;
193.8. at the intersection of carriageways and closer than 5 m away from it, except for the side that is opposite the side road at three-way intersections with a continuous marking line or dividing strip;
193.9. at shuttle bus stops and closer than 15 m from them (when there is no bus stop - closer than 15 m from the stop sign) or closer than 15 m from the taxi stop sign, if this would obstruct shuttle or taxi traffic;
193.10. where a stopped vehicle would block traffic lights or road signs for other drivers or obstruct the traffic of other vehicles or pedestrians;
193.11. not in settlements, where the road is visible in at least one direction at a distance of less than 100 m, in a sharp bend, at the top of a hill.
194. When forced to stop where stopping (parking) is prohibited, the driver must activate the emergency light alarm (place an emergency stop sign), as provided for in Clause 137 of these rules, and remove the vehicle from the road as soon as possible.
195. The driver must park his vehicle next to vehicles marked with the "Disabled" sign in such a way that it does not obstruct the boarding (exiting) of disabled persons.
XVIII. Driving through intersections
196. At the intersection of non-equivalent roads, the driver driving on the side road must give way to vehicles approaching the intersection on the main road.
197. At the intersection of roads of equal value, the driver must give way to vehicles approaching from the right.
198. In the event that the direction of the main road changes at the intersection, the drivers driving on the main road must follow the rules of driving through equal road intersections in relation to each other. Drivers driving on side roads must also follow these rules in relation to each other.
199. When turning to the left (turning around), the driver must give way to vehicles driving in the opposite direction straight or to the right on an equivalent road, and at an intersection where there is no more than one traffic lane in the direction of travel, to vehicles overtaking on the main road.
200. When turning left or right at an intersection, the driver must give way to all road users crossing the carriageway to which he is turning.
201. If the driver cannot determine the surface of the road and there are no right-of-way signs, he must act as if he were driving on a side road.
202. It is forbidden to enter the intersection of carriageways if there is an obstacle in it or behind it, which would force the driver to stop at the intersection and obstruct the traffic of other vehicles.
203. When the permitted traffic signal is activated, the driver must give way to vehicles leaving the intersection in the intended direction (if the maneuver was started when their direction signal was permitted) and pass pedestrians who are finishing crossing the roadway.
204. A driver who has entered an intersection according to a permitted traffic light signal is allowed to drive in the intended direction, regardless of the traffic signal when exiting the intersection. However, if there is a stop line (sign "Stop line") in front of the traffic lights on the road at the intersection, the driver must obey each traffic light signal.
205. When driving in the direction indicated by the arrow on the additional section of the traffic light together with a yellow or red signal, the driver must give way to vehicles traveling from other directions according to the permitted traffic signal.
206. At an intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic light with an additional section, the driver driving in the lane from which he is turning must drive in the direction indicated by the next turned on arrow, if he would stop the traffic of other vehicles driving in the same lane after him.
207. In the case of a prohibited traffic light or traffic signal, the driver must stop in front of the "Stop" line, and if there is no stop line, in front of the traffic light, crossing the carriageway, pedestrian crossing in such a way as not to obstruct traffic and pedestrian traffic.
208. A driver who, when the yellow traffic signal lights up or the regulator raises his hand, could stop in the places specified in point 207 of these rules only by sudden braking, is allowed to continue driving.
209. The driver must follow the signals and instructions of the regulator, even if they conflict with traffic lights, road signs and marking lines.
210. When the traffic is controlled by a traffic light, the driver must follow the traffic light signals, regardless of the road signs indicating the right of way. If the traffic light is off or its yellow flashing signal is on, the driver must follow the road signs.
XIX Driving through railroad crossings
211. When entering a railway crossing and driving through it, the driver must follow signs, markings, the position of the barrier, traffic lights and the signals of the crossing guards (regulators).
212. At the railway crossing, the driver must give way to the approaching rail vehicle.
213. When passing an oncoming rail vehicle, as well as when driving through the crossing is prohibited, the driver must stop in front of the "Stop" line, the road sign "Driving without stopping is prohibited", a traffic light, a lifting barrier, and if there are none - no closer than 10 m from of the first rail. Before starting to drive, the driver must make sure that no rail vehicle is approaching the crossing.
214. If the vehicle is forced to stop at the crossing, the driver must immediately disembark people, take all actions to pull the vehicle from the crossing and give signals to the driver of the approaching rail vehicle. Turning the hand in a circle (with a brightly colored scepter or other highly visible object during the day, and with a torch or lantern at night) is considered a stop signal.
215. Vehicles (other self-propelled machines) with a width of more than 5 m or a height above the road surface of more than 4.5 m (with or without cargo) are allowed to drive through the crossing only with the permission of the railway owner.
216. The driver is prohibited from:
216.1. drive across the railway in places not designated for that purpose;
216.2. go around other vehicles that have stopped in front of the crossing to pass rail vehicles;
216.3. enter the crossing when the barrier is lowered or begins to lower, arbitrarily raise the barrier or go around it;
216.4. enter the crossing if there is an obstacle behind it that would force the driver to stop at the crossing;
216.5. transport through the crossing agricultural, road, construction and other machines not specially prepared for transport, if this could damage the equipment of the crossing.
XX. Motorway traffic
217. The following are prohibited on roads marked with "Automagistralė" signs:
217.1. drive tractors, other vehicles and self-propelled machines with a maximum design speed or speed due to their technical condition of less than 40 km/h;
217.2. to stop (stand), except for specially designated areas;
217.3. turn around (except at the turning points marked with road signs and markings) or drive backwards;
217.4. enter or exit the highway in places not designated for that purpose;
217.5. teach driving;
217.6. organize sports competitions, marches, other events.
XXI. Traffic in a residential area
218. Pedestrians are allowed to walk on the roadway throughout the residential area, but must not obstruct vehicular traffic unnecessarily. Pedestrians have the right of way over vehicles in residential areas.
219. The following are prohibited in the residential area:
219.1. drive at a speed greater than 20 km/h;
219.2. standing with the vehicle engine running;
219.3. leave standing cargo cars with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 t, buses with more than 12 seats, as well as tractors and their trailers;
219.4. learn to drive.
220. When entering the road from a residential area, the driver of a vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching him.
221. The requirements of this section also apply to courtyards and enclosed areas of multi-family dwellings.
XXII. Preference for routine VEHICLES
222. In the settlement, drivers must give way to shuttle vehicles starting from the marked stop.
223. Before starting to drive from a stop, the driver of a shuttle vehicle must make sure that he is given the right-of-way.
224. On the road marked with the signs "Lane for shuttle traffic", "Road with lane for shuttle vehicles" and/or marking lines "A", other vehicles are prohibited from driving in this lane and stopping in it, except for bicycles and mopeds. However, if this lane intended for shuttle traffic in the same direction is located on the right edge of the carriageway and is not separated by a continuous marking line, drivers turning right or going around a stopped vehicle turning left must change to this lane.
XXIII. Disabled vehicle traffic
225. A driver driving a vehicle marked with a "Disabled" sign is allowed to:
225.1. enter the zone marked with road signs "No traffic" and "No motor vehicle traffic";
225.2. to park longer than allowed in places where parking time is limited;
225.3. to stop and stand in the zone of validity of the road signs "No Stopping", "No Parking" and/or at the marking lines 1.4 or 1.9 drawn at the edge of the carriageway.
226. Wheelchairs for disabled people are allowed to drive on the right side of the roadway (regardless of whether there is a curb, sidewalk, or footpath).
XXIV. Traffic characteristics of special vehicles
227. Drivers of special vehicles, driving with activated blue and red (or only blue) flashing beacons and special sound signals, may disregard these rules (except for the requirements of Chapters III, IV, XI, XII, XXXI and Appendix 3 of these rules) in the event that it does not pose a danger to other road users. Vehicles accompanying them also enjoy this right.
228. Other road users must give way to approaching (and accompanying) vehicles with activated blue and red (or only blue) flashing beacons and special sound signals; on roads where there are no more than 4 traffic lanes for traffic in both directions, they must stop on the right side of the road, when there is none - at the right edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing lane, only vehicles moving in the same direction must stop).
229. When passing a parked car with a flashing blue and red (or only blue) beacon, the driver must drive at such a speed that, if necessary, he can stop immediately without endangering other road users.
230. While working on the road, drivers of vehicles with orange flashing beacons can ignore road signs (except for maximum speed limit and priority signs), markings and the requirements for positioning vehicles on the carriageway, if this does not endanger safe traffic. Other road users must not interfere with their work.
231. It is allowed to turn on the orange beacon only when the traffic is obstructed (the dimensions of the vehicle with or without a load exceed the permissible ones, working on the road, stopping and standing, driving slowly, transporting dangerous goods, etc.). The flashing orange beacon does not give priority, it only draws attention and warns other road users about a possible danger.
XXV. Carriage of people
232. It is allowed to transport people only in designated vehicles and only in places designed for people. Transporting people in the body of a truck is allowed only after the body has been adapted for the transport of people.
233. The body of a goods vehicle carrying people must have seats installed 15 cm below the upper edge of the sideboard. Seats along the fore, aft and side sides must have firm backs.
234. Only people sitting on the seats are allowed to be transported in the truck body. There must not be more people than the number of seats provided. It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 16 in the body of a truck.
235. Transporting people in the body of a cargo vehicle containing equipment (cargo) is allowed only if the equipment (cargo) is separated from people by a wall or securely fastened. It is allowed to transport people in the body of a covered cargo vehicle only if the passengers are in contact with the driver and can give a signal to stop if necessary.
236. Driving groups of people in the body of a truck is allowed for drivers with at least 3 years of driving experience in that category, and for military drivers with at least 6 months of driving experience and a license issued in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of National Defense.
237. On the front and rear of the bus carrying groups of children (up to 16 years old) must be affixed the distinguishing signs provided for in Appendix 3 of these rules. A bus carrying children (except school buses) must have at least two adult companions (at least 21 years old) in the cabin.
238. Drivers of vehicles used for the business of transporting passengers must have with them a valid license card issued in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, and a valid permit when transporting passengers on regular routes.
239. Forbidden:
239.1. transport more people than the technical characteristics of the vehicle (excluding children under the age of 12);
239.2. transport people in such a way that they interfere with driving and limit the visibility of the driver;
239.3. transport children under 12 years of age on motorcycles (except in a trailer);
239.4. transport people in a towed bus, trolleybus (except for the driver) and in the body of a towed truck. If the front (rear) of the towed vehicle is placed on a tractor or cart, it is forbidden for people to be in the cab (cabin) and body of the towed vehicle, and if the towed vehicle is placed on the tractor - also in the body of the towing vehicle;
239.5. to transport people in the body of a cargo car (except for the cases specified in points 232-236 of these rules), in the body of a cargo motorcycle, in trailers, in trailer bungalows.
XXVI. Use of seat belts
240. When driving a motor vehicle equipped with safety belts, it is necessary to fasten them.
241. It is allowed not to fasten seat belts in settlements:
241.1. taxi drivers transporting passengers;
241.2. when reversing or parking.
242. Children younger than 12 years and shorter than 150 cm are allowed to be transported on the front seat of a car, bus or truck only in special seats adapted to their height and weight.
243. Children 3 years and older who are transported in the back seat of the car are allowed to fasten with a seat belt designed for adults or use other fastening systems.
244. Children younger than 3 years old are allowed to be transported on the back seat of the car only in special seats adapted to their height and weight.
245. Persons to whom the competent authorities have issued special certificates for serious medical reasons are allowed to not comply with the requirements of point 65 of these rules. These certificates must have an expiration date.
XXVII. Cargo transportation
246. The mass of the transported cargo (passengers) and the load of one axle must not be greater than that specified for that vehicle.
247. The load in the vehicle must be placed and, if necessary, secured and covered in such a way that:
247.1. would not impair the driver's visibility;
247.2. would not damage the stability of the vehicle and would not interfere with its driving;
247.3. uncovered external light devices, light reflectors, number, distinguishing signs and given signals;
247.4. would not fall, drag, make noise, pollute the road and the environment;
247.5. would not pose a danger to people or material values, would not damage road facilities and technical traffic regulation measures.
248. If the position and condition of the load in the vehicle does not meet the requirements of point 247 of these rules, the driver must immediately eliminate the deficiencies, and if this cannot be done, stop driving.
249. If the load protrudes beyond the dimensions of the vehicle at the front or rear by more than 1 m or its side edge protrudes at least a little beyond the side dimensions of the vehicle, it must be marked as provided in Annex 3 of these rules.
250. Drivers of vehicles or transport combinations whose dimensions, weight with or without cargo exceed the values determined by the Ministry of Transport, must carry a permit issued by the Ministry of Transport and municipalities in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Transport. Such a permit is not required when towing broken-down vehicles to a repair or parking place, as well as for agricultural machines and mechanisms moving from one field to another, going to or returning from a field during daylight hours.
251. When transporting dangerous substances and products included in the list of dangerous substances compiled by the UN Committee of Experts, the requirements of the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and other legal acts regulating the transportation of dangerous goods must be observed.
252. It is forbidden to drive the vehicle further until the violations of the requirements for the transportation of dangerous goods, which pose a risk to people and the environment, are eliminated.
XXVIII . Towing of motor vehicles
253. A motor vehicle towed by a rigid or flexible trailer may only be driven by a person authorized to drive it. Its driver is not necessary if the design of the rigid tow truck guarantees the driving of the towed vehicle. A vehicle with a broken steering mechanism is towed by placing its front on a trolley or tractor platform.
254. The length of the flexible tow must be between 4 m and 6 m, it must be marked with bright red flags (panels) or must be of a bright color and not narrower than 50 mm. The rigid tow must not be longer than 4 meters.
255. The towing vehicle must drive with its dipped beam headlights on during daylight hours, and the towed vehicle must drive with its emergency lights on at any time of the day. If there is no emergency light signaling or it does not work, an emergency stop sign must be attached to the rear of the towing vehicle.
256. The driver of the towing vehicle is responsible for compliance with the requirements of clauses 253-255 and 257 of these rules.
257. Towing is prohibited:
257.1. both rigid and flexible tow a vehicle with a broken steering mechanism;
257.2. flexibly towing a vehicle across bare ice, as well as a vehicle whose main brakes are broken;
257.3. rigidly towing a vehicle whose brakes are not working, without the driver of the towed vehicle;
257.4. after placing a part of the towed vehicle on the trolley, if the mass of the towed vehicle is greater than half of the mass of the towing vehicle;
257.5. more than one motor vehicle;
257.6. motorcycles without a trailer and such motorcycles.
XXIX. Learning to drive
258. Teaching to drive a motor vehicle is allowed if the student knows these rules and complies with their requirements. It is prohibited to learn to drive a motor vehicle without the presence of a person authorized to teach.
259. It is allowed to start learning to drive a vehicle in closed parking lots or autodromes. Driving lessons are allowed on the roads only when the student is sufficiently skilled at driving. Teaching driving is possible only on those roads where it is not prohibited by their owners.
260. A person who meets the requirements for a driving instructor, as determined by the Ministry of Transport, has the right to teach how to drive a motor vehicle on the roads. During training, the driving instructor must always have with him a document confirming that he has the right to teach driving.
261. A person being taught to drive a motor vehicle on the roads must not be more than one year younger than the prescribed age from which it is permitted to drive that vehicle.
262. The front and rear of the motor vehicle and the combination of vehicles used for driving instruction must be marked with clearly visible distinguishing signs "M" provided for in Annex 3 of these regulations.
263. Training cars of driving schools must additionally be marked with the same distinguishing signs, installed on the roof (cabin) of the car and illuminated from the inside. In cars (categories D and T), the distinguishing sign illuminated from the inside can only be installed inside the cabin, behind the windshield.
264. When learning to drive, the illumination of the distinguishing sign must be switched on.
265. When learning to drive a motorcycle on the roads, radio communication must be maintained between the student and the accompanying driving instructor. In addition, the student must wear a yellow vest with light reflectors and the distinguishing mark "M" on the front and back of the vest. The same vest must be worn by the driving instructor accompanying the student on a motorcycle, only with the inscription "DRIVING INSTRUCTOR". If the driving instructor accompanies the student by car, the car must be marked according to the requirements of Appendix 3 of these rules. Drivers of other vehicles are prohibited from intervening between the vehicles driven by the student and the accompanying instructor.
266. It is forbidden to carry people while learning to drive and during the driving test.
267. Motor vehicles and combinations of vehicles used for driving training must correspond to the category for which the learner seeks to obtain a driving license. Periodically, they must undergo a state technical inspection. They must have additional equipment determined by the Ministry of Transport.
268. A person who teaches driving must comply with the requirements set for drivers. He is responsible for ensuring that these rules are followed during training. During the driving qualification exam, the student is considered a driver.
XXX. Obligations of road users in the event of a TRAFFIC INCIDENT
269. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver (traffic participant) involved in it must:
269.1. without causing additional danger, stop immediately, activate the emergency light alarm, place an emergency stop sign;
269.2. take all the necessary measures to provide first aid to the victims, call for medical help, and if this is not possible, make sure that the vehicles on the way take the victims to the nearest medical facility;
269.3. immediately report the traffic incident to the police;
269.4. stay at the scene of the traffic accident, take measures to preserve its traces, write down the names and addresses of the witnesses who witnessed the traffic accident.
270. In the event of a traffic accident outside the settlement, if it is not possible to call for medical assistance to the victims or take them to a medical facility by other means of transport, the driver must transport the victims to the nearest medical facility in his vehicle, give his name, the vehicle's license plate number there, and return to the scene of the traffic accident.
271. If no one was injured during the traffic accident, and all the road participants involved in the traffic accident agree on the assessment of its circumstances, it is allowed to leave the scene of the accident and go to the police immediately, after drawing a diagram of the accident (indicating the violation of these rules, the name and surname of the person who committed it) and after signing it.
272. Traffic participants involved in a traffic incident must not consume alcohol or other intoxicating substances immediately after the incident, until the circumstances of the incident have been determined and investigated.
XXXI. Requirements for vehicles
273. Only technically sound vehicles that meet the technical requirements set by the Ministry of Transport or the Ministry of Agriculture are allowed to participate in traffic.
274. A motor vehicle participating in traffic and its trailer (except for those not adapted for road traffic or transported without registration) must have license plates affixed in the designated place. Trolleybuses have be with registered registration numbers.
275. It is prohibited to operate motor vehicles and their trailers, if they are not registered or their state technical inspection has not been carried out.
276. It is prohibited to operate cars that are adapted for traffic on the left side of the road and whose steering wheel is installed on the right side (except for those registered in the Republic of Lithuania before May 1, 1993 or designed for special work functions by design and equipment). This ban does not apply to foreigners who have come to the Republic of Lithuania temporarily (up to 90 days per year), who do not have permits to temporarily settle or live permanently in the Republic of Lithuania, as well as to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania whose permanent place of residence is in a foreign country.
277. From April 10 until November 1 it is forbidden to operate vehicles with studded tires.
278. From November 10 until April 1 it is forbidden to operate vehicles with a maximum permissible mass of no more than 3.5 t with summer tires.
279. A motor vehicle in traffic (except a motorcycle without a sidecar) must have an emergency stop sign, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
280. Every vehicle participating in traffic, which is designed for safety belts (has their fastening points), must be equipped with safety belts.
281. It is forbidden to install (have) devices and objects in the vehicle that interfere with speed measurement or fix speed measuring devices.
282. Driving the vehicle is prohibited if:
282.1. the main brake does not work (the driver cannot stop the vehicle with it);
282.2. the steering mechanism does not work (the driver cannot use it to control the vehicle);
282.3. defective coupling device between vehicle and trailer;
282.4. the windshield wiper does not work on the driver's side during rain, snow or fog;
282.5. in the dark or in poor visibility, none of the front left lights (dipped, fog, high beam) are on, and if at least one rear marker light fails, the emergency light alarm does not work or there is no emergency stop sign attached to the rear of the vehicle.
283. If, while driving, a malfunction other than that specified in point 282 of these regulations occurs, as a result of which the vehicle no longer meets the technical requirements set by the Ministry of Transport, and it is impossible to eliminate this malfunction, the driver is allowed to drive to the parking or repair place, observing the necessary caution.
XXXII. Additional traffic safety requirements
284. Officials (persons) responsible for the maintenance and equipment of roads and road structures must maintain them in such a way that their condition meets the established traffic safety requirements.
285. If work is carried out on or near the road, the responsible persons and workers must ensure that the workplaces are marked with the necessary road signs, fences and guidance devices, and in the dark or with poor visibility - with signal lights. Workers on the road outside of vehicles or machinery must wear brightly colored warning vests.
XXXIII. Final Provisions
286. Persons who have violated these rules are liable according to the procedure established by law.
Road traffic rules
Appendix 1
Road signs
I. Warning signs
1. Warning signs that warn the driver of an upcoming dangerous stretch of road, on which appropriate precautions should be taken, are as follows:
Number | Title | An example | Explanation | |
101 | Crossing with barrier | ![]() | Railway crossing with lifting barrier | |
102 | Crossing without barrier | ![]() | Railway crossing without lifting barrier | |
103 | Drawbridge | ![]() | Drawbridge or ferry | |
104 | Waterfront | ![]() | Access to the quay or shore | |
105 | Children | ![]() | A section of road near a children's facility (school, playground, etc.) where there may be children on the roadway | |
106 | Works | ![]() | The section of road where work is being done. If the works are short-term, the sign can be placed at a distance of 10-15 m from their location or attached to vehicles and machinery working on the road | |
107 | Crossroads | ![]() | Equivalent road intersection | |
108 | Junction with side road | ![]() | The main road is crossed by a side road | |
109 | Side road from the right | ![]() | A side road joins the main road from the right | |
110 | Side road from the left | ![]() | A side road joins the main road from the left | |
111 | Circle traffic | ![]() | An intersection where a circle is required | |
112 | Traffic light | ![]() | An intersection, pedestrian crossing or road section where traffic is controlled by traffic lights | |
113 | Turn right | ![]() | A curve to the right on a low-radius or low-visibility road | |
114 | Turn left | ![]() | A curve to the left on a road with low radius or limited visibility | |
115 | Bends | ![]() | A stretch of road with small radius bends or limited visibility. First turn to the right | |
116 | Bends | ![]() | A stretch of road with small radius bends or limited visibility. First turn to the left | |
117 | Steep slope | ![]() | ||
118 | Steep hill | ![]() | ||
119 | Slippery road | ![]() | A section of the road with a more slippery carriageway than the previous section | |
120 | Rough road | ![]() | Road section with roadway irregularities (road waves, hills, potholes, uneven junctions with bridges, etc.) | |
121 | Gravel | ![]() | A section of improved surface road where gravel, rubble, etc. can be thrown from under the wheels | |
122 | Dangerous roadside | ![]() | A stretch of road with an unstable, potholed curb | |
123 | Narrowing | ![]() | Narrowing of the carriageway on both sides | |
124 | Narrowing from the right | ![]() | Narrowing of the carriageway from the right side | |
125 | Narrowing from the left | ![]() | Narrowing of the carriageway from the left side | |
126 | Two-way traffic | ![]() | Beginning of the section of carriageway with oncoming traffic | |
127 | Pedestrian crossing | ![]() | A pedestrian crossing marked with the indicative signs "Pedestrian crossing" and marking lines 1.13.1-1.13.3 or only with the indicative signs "Pedestrian crossing" | |
128 | Pedestrians | ![]() | A section of road on which pedestrians walk across or along the carriageway (side of the road) | |
129 | Bicycle path | ![]() | A bicycle path crosses the road | |
130 | Animal welfare | ![]() | ||
131 | Wild animals | ![]() | ||
132 | Falling stones | ![]() | Road section where collapses, landslides, falling stones are possible | |
133 | Cross wind | ![]() | ||
134 | Airplanes | ![]() | A stretch of road over which planes take off or land | |
135 | Traffic congestion | ![]() | A stretch of road that is difficult to drive due to vehicle congestion | |
136 | Many traffic accidents | ![]() | A stretch of road where many traffic accidents occur | |
137 | Other hazards | ![]() | A stretch of road where there are dangers not foreseen by other signs | |
138 | Single track railway | ![]() | A crossing without a lifting barrier over a single-track railway. The sign is placed just before the crossing | |
139 | Multi-track railway | ![]() | A crossing without a lifting barrier on two or more roadsthe railway. The sign is placed just before the crossing | |
140 | Approaching the crossing | ![]() | Warns of approaching a railway crossing in non-residential areas. The sign is placed farthest from the crossing, on the right side of the road | |
141 | Approaching the crossing | ![]() | Warns of approaching a railway crossing in non-residential areas. The sign is placed on the right side of the road | |
142 | Approaching the crossing | ![]() | Warns of approaching a railway crossing in non-residential areas. The sign is placed closest to the crossing, on the right side of the road | |
143 | Approaching the crossing | ![]() | Warns of approaching a railway crossing in non-residential areas. The sign is placed farthest from the crossing, on the left side of the road | |
144 | Approaching the crossing | ![]() | Warns of approaching a railway crossing in non-residential areas. The sign is placed on the left side of the road | |
145 | Approaching the crossing | ![]() | Warns of approaching a railway crossing in non-residential areas. The sign is placed closest to the crossing, on the left side of the road | |
146 | Turn direction to the right | ![]() | Direction of travel in a curve with limited visibility, small radius road, road narrowing or road repair, construction work site | |
147 | Turn direction to the left | ![]() | Direction of travel in a curve with limited visibility, small radius road, road narrowing or road repair, construction work site | |
148 | Separation of traffic directions | ![]() | Driving directions at a T-junction, road junction or at the site of road repair or construction works | |
149 | Indicative guideline | ![]() ![]() | Marks lane boundaries and driving path at the road works site | |
2. In non-residential areas, signs 101-137 are placed at a distance of 150-300 m, and in residential areas - at a distance of 50-100 m from the beginning of the dangerous section. If necessary, these signs can be placed at a different distance, which in this case is specified in table 801 "Distance to object".
3. Signs 101-106 are repeated outside settlements. The second road sign is placed no closer than 50 m to the dangerous section.
4. If signs are erected together with table 805 "Validity zone forward", this table indicates the length of the dangerous section, which begins 150-300 m (in non-residential areas) or 50-100 m (in residential areas) from the place where the sign is placed.
II. Priority signs
5. The right-of-way signs, which indicate to the driver the priority of driving through intersections, intersections of carriageways or narrow sections of the road, are the following:
Number | Title | An example | Explanation |
201 | the main road | ![]() | A road with priority over unregulated intersections |
202 | End of main road | ![]() | The end of the road marked with the 201 sign |
| Intersection with the main road | ![]() | The driver must give way to vehicles traveling on the crossed road, and in the case of table 843 "Direction of the main road" - to vehicles traveling on the main road |
| Driving without stopping is prohibited | ![]() | It is forbidden to drive without stopping in front of the "Stop" line, and if there is no stop line - in front of the edge of the roadway to be crossed. The driver must give way to vehicles traveling on the crossed road, and in the case of table 843 "Direction of the main road" - to vehicles traveling on the main road. If the sign is placed in front of a railway crossing or quarantine post, the driver must stop in front of the "Stop" line, and if there is no stop line - in front of the sign |
| Priority for oncoming traffic | ![]() | It is forbidden to enter a narrow road section if it would complicate the oncoming traffic. The driver must give way to vehicles on a narrow stretch or approaching him from the other end |
| Priority over oncoming traffic | ![]() | A narrow stretch of road where the driver has priority over oncoming traffic |
III. Banned signs
6. Prohibitory signs prohibit something or cancel those prohibitions and include:
Number | Title | An example | Explanation |
301 | Entry is prohibited | ![]() | Entry is prohibited for all vehicles, except shuttle transport |
302 | Traffic is prohibited | ![]() | Vehicle traffic is prohibited, except for shuttle transport and vehicles marked with the "Disabled" sign |
| Motor vehicle traffic is prohibited | ![]() | Motor vehicle traffic is prohibited, with the exception of motorcycles without trailers, shuttle, service vehicles and vehicles marked with the "Disabled" sign |
| Truck traffic is prohibited | ![]() | It is prohibited to drive lorries and combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 t or more than that indicated on the sign, as well as tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms, with the exception of service vehicles |
| Motorcycle traffic is prohibited | ![]() | It is prohibited to ride motorcycles, except for service vehicles |
| Tractor traffic is prohibited | ![]() | It is prohibited to drive tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms, except for service vehicles |
| Driving with trailers is prohibited | ![]() | It is prohibited to drive trucks and tractors with trailers, as well as towing motor vehicles with them |
| Vehicle traffic is prohibited | ![]() | Driving in carriages (sleighs), riding, driving animals is prohibited |
| Bicycle traffic is prohibited | ![]() | Riding bicycles and mopeds is prohibited |
310 | It is forbidden to go | ![]() | Pedestrians are prohibited from walking on the side of the road where the sign is placed |
| Driving with dangerous goods is prohibited | ![]() | It is prohibited to transport dangerous substances and products |
| Traffic of the specified vehicle is prohibited | ![]() | The sign represents several prohibition signs placed together and prohibits the use of those vehicles that are prohibited by the respective signs |
| Traffic of the specified vehicle is prohibited | ![]() | The sign represents several prohibition signs placed together and prohibits the use of those vehicles that are prohibited by the corresponding signs. This sign is used only in settlements |
314 | Limited mass | ![]() | It is prohibited to drive vehicles, as well as combinations of vehicles, whose mass with or without cargo is greater than that indicated on the sign |
315 | Limited axle load | ![]() | It is prohibited to drive vehicles with at least one axle load greater than that indicated on the sign |
316 | Limited height | ![]() | It is forbidden to drive vehicles whose height (with or without cargo) is higher than that indicated on the sign |
317 | Limited width | ![]() | It is forbidden to drive vehicles that are wider (with or without cargo) than the sign indicates |
318 | Limited length | ![]() | It is prohibited to drive vehicles, as well as combinations of vehicles, which (with or without cargo) are longer than indicated on the sign |
![]() | Limited distance | It is prohibited to follow another vehicle at a distance smaller than that indicated on the sign | |
320 | Customs | ![]() |
It is forbidden to drive without stopping in front of the sign. Continue driving only with the permission of the officer
321 | Police | ![]() |
It is forbidden to drive without stopping in front of the sign. Continue driving only with the permission of the officer
322 | Turning to the right is prohibited | ![]() | Valid at the roadway intersection in front of which they are placed. Not valid for scheduled transport |
323 | Turning left is prohibited | ![]() |
Valid at the roadway intersection in front of which they are placed. Not valid for scheduled transport
324 | Turning around is prohibited | ![]() | Not valid for shuttle transport and does not prohibit turning left |
325 | Bending is prohibited | ![]() | It is forbidden to overtake moving vehicles, except for single vehicles traveling at a speed of less than 30 km/h |
326 | End of bending ban | ![]() | |
| Overtaking by trucks is prohibited | ![]() | Trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 t are prohibited from overtaking moving vehicles, with the exception of individual vehicles traveling at less than at a speed of 30 km/h. Tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms are prohibited from overtaking all vehicles, except for carts and bicycles |
| End of overtaking ban on trucks | ![]() | |
329 | Limited speed | ![]() | Driving faster (km/h) than indicated on the sign is prohibited |
330 | End of speed limit | ![]() | |
| The use of the horn is prohibited | ![]() | The use of sound signals is prohibited, except in cases where the aim is to avoid a traffic accident |
332 | Stopping is prohibited | ![]() | It is prohibited for vehicles to stop (park) on the side of the road where there is a road sign. Not valid for route transport and vehicles marked with the "Disabled" sign. If used in conjunction with marking line 1.4, valid until the end of this line |
333 | Standing is prohibited | ![]() | Vehicles are prohibited from parking on the side of the road where the sign is located. Not valid for vehicles marked with the "Disabled" sign and taxis with an activated taximeter. If used in conjunction with marking line 1.9, valid until the end of this line |
| Parking is prohibited on odd days | ![]() | On odd days of the month, vehicles are prohibited from parking on the side of the road where the sign is located. When signs 334 and 335 are used on different sides of the road, vehicles must move from one side of the road to the other between 19:00 and 21:00 |
| Parking is prohibited on even days
| ![]() | Vehicles are prohibited from parking on even days of the month on the side of the road where such a sign is displayed. When signs 334 and 335 are used on different sides of the road, vehicles must move from one side of the road to the other between 19:00 and 21:00
336 | End of restrictions | ![]() | Marks the place from which the validity zone of characters 319, 325, 327, 329, 331-335 ends
337 | Moped traffic is prohibited | ![]() | It is forbidden to ride mopeds, except for service transport
7. Prohibitions on signs with a valid zone are valid from the sign to the nearest intersection beyond the sign, and in settlements, where there is no intersection, to the end of the settlement. The validity of the signs does not end at the exit from the nearby territory, as well as at the field, forest and other side roads where there are no priority signs.
8. The zone of validity of the signs can be reduced by using tables indicating the length and direction of the zone of validity below them, or by placing road signs canceling the relevant restrictions.
9. Placed in front of a settlement marked with a 550 "Beginning of Settlement" sign, a 329 "Speed Limit" sign is valid until this sign, but the zone of validity of the 329 sign may be reduced by placing another 329 sign with a different speed limit.
IV. Directional signs
10. The directional signs are:
Number | Title | An example | Explanation |
401 | Drive straight | ![]() | Only straight ahead is allowed. The sign placed at the beginning of the road section is valid until the nearest intersection, it does not prohibit turning right when you want to enter the territories next to the road. A sign placed in front of an intersection is valid only at the roadway intersection in front of which it is placed. The requirements of this sign do not apply to route transport |
402 | Drive to the right | ![]() | It is allowed to drive only in the direction of the arrow. The sign is valid at the intersection in front of which it is placed. The requirements of this sign do not apply to route transport |
403 | Drive to the left | ![]() | It is allowed to drive only in the direction of the arrow and turn around. The sign is valid at the intersection in front of which it is placed. The requirements of this sign do not apply to route transport |
| Drive straight or to the right | ![]() | It is allowed to drive only in the directions of the arrows. The sign is valid at the intersection in front of which it is placed. The requirements of this sign do not apply to route transport |
| Drive straight or left | ![]() | It is allowed to drive only in the direction of the arrows and turn around. The sign is valid at the intersection in front of which it is placed. The requirements of this sign do not apply to route transport |
| Drive right or left | ![]() | It is allowed to drive only in the direction of the arrows and turn around. The sign is valid at the intersection in front of which it is placed. The requirements of this sign do not apply to route transport |
407 | Turn right | ![]() | It is allowed to go around the obstacle only from the right side |
408 | Go around on the left | ![]() | It is allowed to go around the obstacle only from the left side |
| Go around from the right or left | ![]() | It is allowed to go around the obstacle from the right or left side |
![]() | Circle traffic | It is allowed to drive only in the direction of the arrows | |
411 | Bicycle path | ![]() | Only bicycles and mopeds are allowed. Pedestrians are prohibited. When the path runs along the road, cyclists and moped drivers must only use the designated path |
412 | Pedestrian path | ![]() | The trail is for pedestrians only. When a path runs alongside a road, pedestrians must only walk on it |
Pedestrian and bicycle path |
| Only pedestrians and bicycles are allowed. If the bicycle and pedestrian symbols on the sign are not one after the other, but next to each other and are separated by a vertical white line, road users must use the side of the path that is intended for them (shown on the sign). When the path runs along the carriageway of the road, pedestrians and cyclists must use it only | |
414 | Limited minimum speed | ![]() | Only allowed to drive at or above the specified speed (km/h) |
| End of minimum speed limit | ![]() | |
| For a vehicle with a dangerous load, drive straight | A vehicle transporting dangerous substances and products is only allowed to drive straight | |
| For vehicles with dangerous goods, drive to the right | A vehicle transporting dangerous substances and products is allowed to drive only to the right | |
| For vehicles with dangerous goods, drive to the left | A vehicle transporting dangerous substances and products is allowed to drive only on the left |
V. Indicative signs
11. Indicative signs establish or cancel a certain traffic order and are the following:
Number | Title | An example | Explanation |
501 | Motorway | ![]() | A road where the traffic rules established for motorways apply |
502 | End of the highway | ![]() | The end of the road where the traffic rules set for the motorways apply |
503 | One-way traffic | ![]() | A road or carriageway where vehicular traffic flows in one direction over its entire width |
504 | End of one-way traffic | ![]() | |
| Entrance to a one-way road | ![]() | It indicates entering a one-way road or carriageway |
| Entrance to a one-way road | ![]() | It indicates entering a one-way road or carriageway |
![]() | Traffic directions at the intersection | Indicates the number of lanes and the directions in which each lane is allowed to travel. When a left turn is allowed, a U-turn is also allowed from the left side lane | |
508 | The direction of traffic at the intersection is straight | ![]() | Signs are installed separately above each lane |
| The direction of traffic at the intersection is to the right | ![]() | Signs are installed separately above each lane |
| The direction of traffic at the intersection is to the left | ![]() | Signs are installed separately above each lane |
| The direction of traffic at the intersection is straight and to the right | ![]() | Signs are installed separately above each lane |
| The direction of traffic at the intersection is straight and left | ![]() | Signs are installed separately above each lane |
513 | The tape starts from the right | ![]() | An additional lane on a slope or the start of a stop lane. Vehicles turning off the road must move into the stop lane, vehicles going uphill that cannot go faster than those behind them must move into the additional lane |
514 | The tape starts from the left | ![]() | The start of the additional lane on the carriageway from the left side and the number of lanes to drive in that direction |
515 | End of right lane | ![]() | Additional lanes on a hill or the end of an acceleration lane |
516 | End of left lane | ![]() | The end of the lane on the left side of the carriageway |
517 | Traffic directions in lanes | ![]() | Indicates the direction of traffic in the lanes. The sign is placed behind the intersection. Drivers are prohibited from entering the lane intended for traffic in the opposite direction |
518 | Traffic directions in lanes | ![]() | Indicates the direction of traffic in the lanes. The sign is placed behind the intersection. Drivers are prohibited from entering the lane intended for traffic in the opposite direction |
519 | Traffic directions in lanes | ![]() | Indicates the direction of traffic in the lanes and the driving path. This sign is placed before intersections. Drivers are prohibited from entering the lane intended for traffic in the opposite direction |
| Traffic directions and restrictions | ![]() | The requirements of the prohibited or directional sign shown on the sign apply to vehicles traveling in that lane up to the nearest intersection |
| Lane start and limits | ![]() | Vehicles subject to the restrictions indicated in the sign must move to the starting lane |
522 | Traffic in lanes | ![]() | Indicates that the side lane at the intersection is for vehicles entering the road. Other drivers are allowed to enter it only beyond the intersection |
| Belt for shuttle transport | ![]() |
Indicates a lane reserved for route traffic only traveling in the same direction as all vehicle traffic |
| Road with lane for shuttle transport | ![]() |
A road on which shuttle transport travels in a specially designated lane against the flow of vehicles
| Entrance to the road with a lane for route transport | ![]() | Indicates that the road marked with the 524 sign is entered |
| Entrance to the road with a lane for route transport | ![]() | Indicates that the road marked with the 524 sign is entered |
527 | Turning point | ![]() | U-turn location outside the intersection |
528 | Parking place | ![]() | Vehicle parking space |
529 | Parking space for a limited time |
| A parking space where motor vehicles are allowed to park no longer than specified |
| Parking place at the specified time | ![]() | A parking space where vehicles are allowed to park only during the specified time |
531 | Reserved parking space | ![]() | Parking area where vehicles are allowed to park only with special police permits (permits are attached behind the windshield) |
| Parking and shuttle transport | ![]() | A parking place with a shuttle bus stop. After leaving the vehicle parked, it is possible to continue using shuttle transport |
533 | Pedestrian crossing | ![]() | Road crossing location |
534 | Pedestrian crossing | ![]() | Road crossing location |
535 | Underground pedestrian crossing | ![]() | |
536 | Underground pedestrian crossing | ![]() | |
537 | Pedestrian crossing over the road | ![]() | |
538 | Pedestrian crossing over the road | ![]() | |
539 | Recommended speed | ![]() | The recommended speed for that stretch of road up to the nearest intersection. When the sign is placed together with the warning sign, the recommendation is valid in the dangerous section |
| No parking zone | ![]() | At the specified time, and if the time is not specified - 24 hours a day, vehicles are prohibited from parking on all roads in the territory behind the sign, with the exception of places specially designated for parking and marked with appropriate signs |
541 | Parking area | ![]() | Vehicles can be parked on all roads in the area behind the sign. When a time is specified, the token is only valid for that time |
542 | Limited speed zone | ![]() | Driving faster (km/h) than indicated on the sign is prohibited on all roads in the area beyond the road sign. When a time is specified, the token is only valid for that time |
| End of no-parking zone | ![]() | Marks a place from which the requirements of the 540 mark are not valid |
544 | End of parking area | ![]() | Marks a place from which the requirements of the 541 mark are not valid |
| End of the speed limit zone | ![]() | Marks a place from which the requirements of mark 542 do not apply |
546 | Tunnel | ![]() | Behind the sign (regardless of how the tunnel is lit), the driver of a motor vehicle must turn on the dipped beam. Driving in reverse, turning or stopping is prohibited. When traffic stops, the driver must turn off the engine |
547 | The end of the tunnel | ![]() | A place from which the requirements of mark 546 do not apply |
548 | Stop | ![]() | Stopping point of scheduled transport |
549 | Taxi stand | ![]() | Parking place for light taxis |
550 | The beginning of the settlement | ![]() | The name and beginning of the settlement in which the requirements of these rules establishing the traffic order in settlements apply |
551 | End of settlement | ![]() | The place from which the requirements of these rules establishing the traffic order in settlements are not valid. Above is the name of the next settlement and the distance to it |
552 | Residential area | ![]() |
In the area behind the sign, the requirements of these rules, which determine the traffic order in residential areas, apply
553 | End of residential area | ![]() |
The place from which the requirements of these rules establishing the traffic order in residential areas are not valid
554 | Stop line | ![]() | Indicates the place where vehicles must stop in the event of a prohibited traffic light (regulator) signal |
VI. Information signs
12. Information signs inform about the settlements and other objects on the way and are as follows:
Number | Title | An example | Explanation |
601 | Advance direction indicator | ![]() | Traffic directions to the settlements and objects indicated on the sign. Signs can depict route numbers, highways, airport symbols and other signs informing about traffic features. The sign is placed on the highways |
602 | Advance direction indicator | ![]() | Traffic directions to the settlements and objects indicated on the sign. Signs can depict route numbers, highways, airport symbols and other signs informing about traffic features. The sign is placed on other roads outside the settlements |
603 | Advance direction indicator | ![]() | Traffic directions to the settlements and objects indicated on the sign. Signs can depict route numbers, highways, airport symbols and other signs informing about traffic features. The sign is placed in settlements. If all the objects indicated in the sign erected in the settlement are outside the settlement and you need to go to them outside the highway, the background of the sign must be blue. A green insert in a sign with a different background indicates that you need to go to the object on the highway, blue - on another road outside the settlement. The sign is placed in advance, the distance to the intersection is indicated at the bottom of the sign |
604 | Advance direction indicator | ![]() | Installed above the roadway, it is also used instead of the 603 sign in settlements. Sign background - same as signs 601-603
605 | Directional arrow | ![]() | Traffic direction to settlements and objects and the distance to them. The sign is placed in front of the intersection when driving on the highway in the specified direction. Freeway, airport or other symbols may be depicted |
606 | Directional arrow | ![]() | Traffic direction to settlements and objects and distance to them. The sign is placed in front of the intersection when driving in the specified direction on a different road outside the settlement. Freeway, airport or other symbols may be depicted |
607 | Directional arrow | ![]() | Traffic direction to settlements and objects and the distance to them. The sign is placed in front of the intersection when the object is located in the same settlement where the arrow is placed. Freeway, airport or other symbols may be depicted |
608 | Directional arrow | ![]() | Indicates several directions and distances. The sign is placed in front of the intersection. Its background is the same as characters 605-607 |
609 | Driving scheme | ![]() | Driving route when maneuvers are prohibited at the intersection, or driving direction at a difficult intersection |
610 | Driving direction is straight | ![]() | The recommended direction of travel for trucks, tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms is straight, when driving in one of the possible directions at the intersection is prohibited |
611 | Driving direction to the right | ![]() | The recommended direction of travel for trucks, tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms is to the right, when driving in one of the possible directions at the intersection is prohibited |
612 | Driving direction to the left | ![]() |
The recommended direction of travel for trucks, tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms is to the left, when driving in one of the possible directions at the intersection is prohibited
613 | Blindfold straight | ![]() | A road that does not have an exit at one end |
614 | Blind alley to the right | ![]() | A road that does not have an exit at one end |
615 | Blind alley to the left | ![]() | A road that does not have an exit at one end |
616 | The beginning of the settlement | ![]() |
The beginning and name of the settlement where the requirements of these rules, which determine the traffic order in settlements, are not valid
617 | End of settlement | ![]() |
The end of the settlement marked with sign 616, the name of the next settlement and the distance to it
618 | Name of the object | ![]() | The name of the river, lake or any other object, the name of the county, district (municipality) and its boundary. The background of the sign can be blue or green, depending on where it is placed |
619 | Name of the object | ![]() |
Name and boundary of the county, district (municipality). The background of the sign can be blue or green, depending on where it is placed
620 | Street name | ![]() |
A sign placed in front of an intersection indicates the name of the street passing through it
621 | Street name | ![]() | Indicates the name of the street |
622 | Distance index | ![]() | Distances (km) to the specified settlements (cities). The sign may include a road number. The background of the sign can be blue or green, depending on where it is placed |
623 | Speed limit sign | ![]() | Information on the maximum speed limits set by these rules for any type of vehicle in Lithuanian settlements, non-settlements and highways |
624 | Kilometer sign | ![]() |
Distance from the start or end of the road
625 | Kilometer sign | ![]() |
Distance from the start or end of the road. The sign is placed only on motorways
| Road or cycle track number | ![]() | A number is assigned to a road (route) or cycling track. The sign is placed behind the intersection. The green sign indicates the number of the international road, red - the main road, yellow - the regional road, and blue - the regional road. Signs 601-604 show the road number. A sign with a dashed border indicates the direction of travel to the road with that number |
| Number and direction of the road or cycle track | ![]() | A road (route) or cycle track is given a number and a direction. Built in front of intersections. The color of the characters is the same as the 626 characters. A sign with a dashed border indicates the direction of travel to the road with that number |
628 | Circuit diagram | ![]() | Indicates a temporarily closed road section and detour route. The sign is placed in front of intersections |
629 | Detour direction | ![]() | Indicates the direct direction in which to go around the temporarily closed road section and informs drivers about the start of the detour. Characters 613-615 specify which of the existing roads is closed. The sign is placed immediately before the intersection, from which the driving route changes due to the closed section. Follow the signs 632-634 further along the route |
630 | Detour direction | ![]() | Indicates the direction to the right to go around the temporarily closed road section and informs drivers about the beginning of the detour. Characters 613-615 specify which of the existing roads is closed. The sign is placed immediately before the intersection, from which the driving route changes due to the closed section. Follow the signs 632-634 further along the route |
631 | Detour direction | ![]() | Indicates the direction to the left to go around the temporarily closed road section and informs drivers about the beginning of the detour. Characters 613-615 specify which of the existing roads is closed. The sign is placed immediately before the intersection, from which the driving route changes due to the closed section. Follow the signs 632-634 further along the route |
632 | Detour direction | ![]() | Indicates the direction of travel of vehicles passing the road section closed according to signs 629-631. The sign is placed in front of each intersection in the roundabout. Drivers who have not passed one of the signs 629-631 are informed that they have entered the path of other vehicles and do not need to follow signs 632-634 |
633 | Detour direction | ![]() | Indicates the direction of travel of vehicles passing the road section closed according to signs 629-631 to the right. The sign is placed in front of each intersection in the roundabout. Drivers who have not passed one of the signs 629-631 are informed that they have entered the path of other vehicles and do not need to follow signs 632-634 |
634 | Detour direction | ![]() | Indicates the direction of travel of vehicles passing the road section closed according to signs 629-631 to the left. The sign is placed in front of each intersection in the roundabout. Drivers who have not passed one of the signs 629-631 are informed that they have entered the path of other vehicles and do not need to follow signs 632-634 |
635 | Reordering arrow | ![]() | Indicates the direction of travel on roads with a dividing lane |
636 | Reordering arrow | ![]() | Indicates the direction of travel on roads with a dividing lane |
| Directional arrow to point of interest | ![]() | Indicates the direction of traffic and the distance to the place of interest. The sign is used to show the direction to all attractions, cultural and historical sites. It is installed at a distance of 20-50 m before the intersection. The background of the sign is brown |
| Name of the place to visit | ![]() |
Name of place of interest, cultural and historical object. The background of the sign is brown
VII. Service marks
13. Service signs inform about existing service facilities and are as follows:
Number | Title | An example | Explanation |
701 | Medical assistance | ![]() | A place where first aid is provided |
702 | Hospital | ![]() | |
703 | Gas station | ![]() | |
704 | Workshop | ![]() | Vehicle repair workshops |
705 | Washing machine | ![]() | |
706 | Phone | ![]() | |
707 | Canteen | ![]() | Canteen or restaurant |
708 | Cafe | ![]() | Cafe or buffet |
709 | Hotel | ![]() | |
710 | Campsite | ![]() | Place for camping with tents |
711 | Camping | ![]() | Campsite with suitable infrastructure for camping with bungalows or detached caravans or tents |
712 | Rest place | ![]() | |
713 | Police | ![]() |
714 | Traffic police | ![]() | |
715 | Toilet | ![]() |
716 | Bathing place | ![]() | |
717 | Radio station | ![]() | The frequency of a radio station that continuously provides traffic information |
718 | Drinking water | ![]() | |
719 | Customs | ![]() | A customs office outside the border |
720 | Airport | ![]() | |
721 | Internet | ![]() | Public internet centers providing internet services |
722 | Information center | ![]() | Center for provision of tourism, travel or other information |
723 | Youth hostel | ![]() | |
724 | Rural tourism homestead | ![]() | |
725 | A place to visit | ![]() | A cultural heritage, natural or other object of interest is prepared for public visit |
726 | Fishing place | ![]() | |
727 | Golf course | ![]() | |
728 | Equestrian sport | ![]() | |
729 | Ski lift | ![]() |
VIII. Additional tables
14. Additional tables specify or limit the validity of the marks with which they are used and are as follows:
Number | Title | An example | Explanation |
801 | Distance to object | ![]() | Indicates the direction and distance to the beginning of an object or dangerous road section. The direction of the object (section) indicated in the table is straight
802 | Distance to object | ![]() | Indicates the direction to the right and the distance to the beginning of an object or dangerous road section
803 | Distance to object | ![]() | Indicates the direction to the left and the distance to the beginning of an object or dangerous road section
804 | Distance to intersection | ![]() | Indicates the distance to the intersection in front of which the sign "Driving without stopping is prohibited". The sign is used only in conjunction with the sign "Intersection with the main road"
805 | Validity area forward | ![]() | Indicates the length of the zone of validity beyond the sign of the dangerous road section or other signs with which it is used
806 | Validity area forward | ![]() | Indicates the length of the zone of validity beyond the sign of the dangerous road section or other signs with which it is used. The table is used only with signs prohibiting stopping or standing |
| Validity area forward and backward | ![]() | Informs drivers that they are in the zone of validity of signs prohibiting stopping or standing |
808 | End of validity area | ![]() | Indicates the end of the validity zone of road signs prohibiting stopping or standing |
809 | Validity area to the right | ![]() | Indicates the direction (to the right) and length of the zone of validity of road signs prohibiting stopping or standing
810 | Validity area to the left | ![]() | Indicates the direction (to the left) and the length of the zone of validity of road signs prohibiting stopping or standing
811 | Validity zone in both directions | ![]() | Indicates the direction (in both directions) and length of the zone of validity of road signs prohibiting stopping or standing
812 | Direction of validity to the right | ![]() | Indicates the direction of validity of signs 135, 302-318 placed in front of the intersection or the direction of driving to objects located right next to the road
813 | Validity direction to the left | ![]() | Indicates the direction of validity of signs 135, 302-318 placed in front of the intersection or the direction of driving to objects located right next to the road
| Direction of validity in both directions | ![]() | Indicates the direction of validity of signs 135, 302-318 placed in front of the intersection or the direction of driving to objects located right next to the road |
815 | Trucks | ![]() | The sign with the plate "Trucks" is valid for trucks and their combinations with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 tons
| Vehicles with a trailer | ![]() | The sign with the plate "Vehicles with a trailer" is valid for motor vehicles with a trailer, excluding motorcycles
817 | Cars | ![]() | The sign with the plate "Cars" is valid for cars and trucks with a maximum permissible mass of no more than 3.5 tons |
818 | Buses | ![]() | Indicates the type of vehicle for which the sign is valid |
819 | Tractors | ![]() | Indicates the type of vehicle for which the sign is valid. The sign with the table "Tractors" is valid for tractors and self-propelled machines
820 | Motorcycles | ![]() | Indicates the type of vehicle for which the sign is valid
821 | Bikes | ![]() | Indicates the type of vehicle for which the sign is valid. The sign with the table "Bicycles" is valid for bicycles and mopeds
822 | Non-working days | ![]() | Indicates that the sign is valid only on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and non-working days declared by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania |
823 | Working day | ![]() | Indicates that the sign is valid from Monday to Friday inclusive, excluding public holidays and non-working days declared by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania |
824 | Days of the week | ![]() | Indicates the days of the week that the sign is valid
825 | Week day | ![]() | Indicates the day of the week on which the sign is valid
826 | Expiry date | ![]() | Indicates that the sign is valid daily during the specified hours
| Expiry on non-working days | ![]() | Indicates the time on non-working days when the sign is valid
| Expiry date on working days | ![]() | Indicates the time on weekdays when the sign is valid
| Validity days of the week | ![]() | Indicates the days and time when the sign is valid
830 | Way of standing | ![]() | All vehicles are allowed to park only on the roadway along the sidewalk
| Car parking method | ![]() | Parking is permitted only as shown and only for cars without trailers and motorcycles |
| Car parking method | ![]() | Parking is permitted only as shown and only for cars without trailers and motorcycles. The vehicle must park along the edge of the pavement closest to the carriageway
| Car parking method | ![]() | Parking is permitted only as shown and only for cars without trailers and motorcycles
| Car parking method | ![]() | Parking is permitted only as shown and only for cars without trailers and motorcycles
| Car parking method | ![]() | Parking is permitted only as shown and only for cars without trailers and motorcycles. The vehicle must park along the edge of the pavement closest to the carriageway |
| Car parking method | ![]() | Parking is permitted only as shown and only for cars without trailers and motorcycles |
| Car parking method | ![]() | Parking is permitted only as shown and only for cars without trailers and motorcycles
| Car parking method | ![]() | Parking is permitted only as shown and only for cars without trailers and motorcycles. The vehicle must park along the edge of the pavement closest to the carriageway
839 | Stand with the engine off | ![]() | Parking in the parking lot is allowed only with the engine turned off
840 | Parking is charged | ![]() | Indicates that parking is charged
841 | Dangerous roadside | ![]() | It warns that it is dangerous to drive on the side of the road. Used with warning signs
842 | Main road direction | ![]() | Indicates the direction of the main road at the intersection. Used with "Main Road" signs. The table shows the actual configuration of the intersection. Can also be used with signs "Intersection with side road" |
843 | Main road direction | ![]() | Indicates the direction of the main road at the intersection. Used with "Intersection with main road" or "No driving without stopping" signs. The table shows the actual configuration of the intersection |
844 | Invisible | ![]() | Indicates that the crosswalk is used by blind people. Used with warning and indication signs "Pedestrian Crossing"
845 | Wet coating | ![]() | Indicates that the sign with which the plate is used is valid when the surface of the carriageway is wet (wet)
846 | The disabled | ![]() | Indicates that the parking space is reserved only for vehicles with the distinguishing sign "Disabled" provided for in these rules |
847 | Except for the disabled | ![]() | Indicates that signs 322-324, 401-406 are not valid for vehicles with the distinguishing sign "Disabled" established in these rules
848 | Icy road | ![]() | A section so marked is often slippery due to ice or snow
849 | Natural gas | ![]() | Used with the sign "Gas station" and indicates that vehicles are supplied with natural gas at the gas station
850 | Liquefied gas | ![]() | Used with the sign "Gas station" and indicates that vehicles are supplied with liquefied gas at the gas station
851 | Types of fuel | ![]() | Used with the sign "Gas station" and indicates the types of fuel available at the gas station
Road traffic rules
Appendix 2
Road marking and its characteristics
I. Horizontal marking
1. Horizontal marking (lines, arrows, inscriptions and other symbols on the roadway) determine a certain traffic mode and order:
1.1. A narrow continuous line separates traffic flows in opposite directions and prohibits driving in the oncoming traffic lane on the marked road section; marks the edges of traffic lanes in dangerous areas of the road, sections of the carriageway where it is forbidden to enter, the limits of vehicle parking spaces and the edge of the carriageway on roads that are not classified as motorways according to traffic conditions. Crossing this line is prohibited, except when it marks the edge of the carriageway or a parking space.
1.2. A wide solid line marks the edge of the carriageway and the limits of sections into which entry is prohibited on motorways; separates the carriageway lane for shuttle transport; separates the traffic lane from the shuttle bus stop. Crossing this line is prohibited, except when it marks the edge of the carriageway.
1.3. A double continuous line separates traffic flows in opposite directions on roads with four or more lanes and prohibits driving in the oncoming traffic lanes on the marked road section. Crossing this line is prohibited.
1.4. A solid yellow line marks the places where it is forbidden to stop (park), it can be used to mark traffic lanes at the work site. Used alone or in conjunction with a "No Stopping" sign and painted along the edge of the roadway (at the work site and on the roadway) or at the top of the street curb. Crossing this line is prohibited when it separates traffic flows in opposite directions.
1.5. A narrow dashed line, with lines three times shorter than the spaces, separates traffic flows in opposite directions on roads with two or three lanes, and marks lane boundaries when there are two lanes or more lanes for one-way traffic. This line is allowed to be crossed from both sides.
1.6. The approach line - a narrow dashed line with lines three times as long as the spaces - warns of the approach of a solid marking line 1.1, 1.3 or 1.10, which separates traffic in opposite directions or in the same direction. This line is allowed to be crossed from both sides.
1.7. A narrow dashed line with the same length of dashes and spaces indicates traffic lanes at an intersection, the place of entering (exiting) the road and the edge of the carriageway on roads that are not classified as highways and international roads according to traffic conditions. This line is allowed to be crossed from both sides.
1.8. A wide dashed line, the length of the dashes three times shorter than the gaps, marks the boundaries between the acceleration lane, the deceleration lane and the main lane of the carriageway (at intersections and intersections of roads of different heights, bus stop zones, etc.). This line is allowed to be crossed from both sides.
1.9. The yellow dashed line marks places where parking is prohibited. Used alone or in conjunction with a No Parking sign and drawn along the edge of the roadway or at the top of the street curb.
1.10. A double line, consisting of two narrow parallel lines, one of which is continuous and the other dashed, separates the traffic flows of opposite or the same directions on road sections where changing lanes is allowed only from one lane; mark places for turning around, entering and exiting parking lots where only one direction of travel is allowed. This line is allowed to be crossed from the side of the dashed line, as well as from the solid side, but only at the end of turning or going around.
1.11. A wide line drawn across the roadway ("Stop" line) shows the place where the driver must stop when there is a "No driving without stopping" sign or a prohibited traffic light (regulator) signal.
1.12. A line made of triangles shows the place where the driver must stop and give way to vehicles traveling on the crossed road if necessary.
1.13. Pedestrian crossings:
1.13.1. Zebras represent an unregulated crosswalk.
1.13.2. "Zebras" indicate an unregulated pedestrian crossing, and arrows indicate the direction of pedestrian walking.
1.13.3. Two parallel lines made up of rectangles mark a pedestrian crossing where traffic is controlled by a traffic light.
1.14. Two parallel lines made up of squares mark where the bike path crosses the carriageway.
1.15. Directional islands:
1.15.1. The dashed area represents diversion islands that limit traffic flows in opposite directions or indicate an obstacle on the carriageway.
1.15.2. The dashed area represents diversion islands at the branching points of traffic flows of the same direction of travel.
1.15.3. The dashed area represents diversion islands at the points of convergence of traffic flows of the same direction of travel.
1.16. The arrows indicate the permitted driving directions in the lane. The marking is used alone or together with the signs "Traffic directions at the intersection", "Traffic direction at the intersection"; the blind spot sign warns that it is forbidden to turn into the nearest carriageway; markings that allow turning left from the left side lane also allow U-turns.
1.17. Arrows with a curved stem warn of approaching a narrowing of the carriageway or a continuous marking line 1.1 or 1.3, 1.10, which separates traffic flows in opposite directions. Can be used in conjunction with any of the "Constriction" signs or in the spaces between the 1.6 (1.5) line b fogs.
1.18. The triangle indicates that the 1.12 marking line is approaching.
1.19. The sign "STOP" indicates that the marking line 1.11 is approaching when used in conjunction with the sign "No driving without stopping".
1.20. Letters and numbers indicate the road number (route).
1.21. The letter "A" indicates a carriageway lane intended for shuttle traffic only or a shuttle stop.
1.22. A wide dashed line, with the same length of dashes and spaces between dashes, indicates a carriageway lane intended for shuttle traffic only, or a shuttle stop in places where it is allowed to enter (exit) it.
1.23. The bicycle symbol indicates the part of the path intended for bicycle traffic.
1.24. The symbol of a disabled person with a wheelchair indicates a parking space where only vehicles marked with the "Disabled" sign can park.
1.25. The checkerboard-arranged boxes represent artificial hills (bumps) installed on the roadway to reduce driving speed.
1.26. The double dashed line denotes reverse traffic lanes, where the direction of traffic changes to the opposite, separates the traffic flows of opposite directions. It is forbidden to cross this line, which separates traffic flows in opposite directions. If this line divides the traffic of the same direction of travel, when the green reverse traffic light signal is activated, this line is allowed to be crossed from both sides, and when the yellow reverse traffic light signal is activated, only when this line is on the driver's right.
II. Vertical labeling
2. Vertical marking, consisting of alternating white and black stripes on road structures and road equipment elements, indicates their dimensions, helps orientation and is marked as follows:
2.1. Diagonal black and white stripes mark vertical elements of road structures (bridges, overpass supports, rear parts of fences, etc.) when these elements pose a danger to moving vehicles.
2.2. Vertical black and white stripes mark the lower edge of bridges, viaducts, and tunnel structures.
2.3. The horizontal black and white stripes indicate signal devices placed in the separation lanes or safety islands.
2.4. A diagonal wide black bar indicates signal poles, barriers, supports of fences (fences) and the like.
2.5. Horizontal wide dashed lines mark the side surfaces of fences (fences) in sharp turns, steep slopes and other dangerous sections.
2.6. The horizontal continuous black line marks the lateral surfaces of the fences (fences) in other road sections.
2.7. Horizontal dashed white and black lines mark street curbs in dangerous sections and prominent safety islands.
Road traffic rules
Appendix 3
Distinctive signs of vehicles
1. Vehicle license plates must be legible from a distance of at least 40 m during the day, and the lighting of the rear number plate must be such that the number can be read from a distance of at least 20 m at night.
2. Number plates must not be covered with protective materials, bent or otherwise changed in shape, they must not be damaged, contaminated or rusted.
3. The rear of a motor vehicle registered in the Republic of Lithuania and leaving for other countries and the rear of its trailer must be marked with the distinguishing mark of the Republic of Lithuania. It is a white elliptical sign with black letters "LT" in the middle. The horizontal axis of the sign must be at least 175 mm, the vertical axis at least 115 mm, the letters at least 80 mm high and at least 10 mm thick.
4. A vehicle that has arrived in the Republic of Lithuania from another state must be marked with that state distinguishing mark of the state in which it is registered.
5. It is prohibited to operate a vehicle registered in the Republic of Lithuania with the distinguishing mark of another state.
6. On freight cars and wheeled tractors with trailers, as well as on flexible frame buses and trolleybuses, above the front part of the cab (body) there must be a distinguishing mark of the vehicle combination - three orange lights placed horizontally at a distance of 150-300 mm from each other, or from the inside illuminated orange (yellow) distinctive sign in the shape of an equilateral triangle (side length - 250 mm). Compound signs must be on when driving, as well as when stopping or standing on the road.
7. A motor vehicle with studded tires must have a distinguishing mark affixed to the rear, consisting of a white equilateral triangle with a red border and a tire stud symbol in the middle. The length of the side of the triangle is 200-300 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the length of the side.
8. The front and rear of a bus carrying groups of children must be marked with square yellow distinctive signs with a red border and a black "Children" road sign symbol. The length of the side of the square is 300 mm, the width of the border is 30 mm.
9. The front and rear of the school bus must be marked with square yellow markings with a red border and a black "Children" road sign symbol. The length of the side of the square is 300 mm, the width of the border is 30 mm. On both sides of the bus, there must be the inscription "SCHOOL" made of reflective material (light reflection - 50 cd/lx/m), the height of the letters - 200 mm. The school bus is marked with a linear marking highlighting the dimensions of the bus from a reflective tape 50 mm wide (light reflectance - 300-450 cd/lx/m): white on the front, yellow on both sides, red tape on the back.
10. Deaf-mute or deaf-driven cars must be marked with a circular 160 mm diameter distinguishing sign at the front and rear with three 40 mm diameter black circles placed at the corners of an imaginary equilateral triangle with the point downwards.
11. Motor vehicles driven by or transporting disabled persons, in the presence of a corresponding mark in the vehicle registration documents, must be marked on the front and rear with square blue distinctive signs "Disabled" with a white border and a white symbol of the road sign "Disabled". The length of the side of the square is 100 mm, the width of the border is 10 mm.
12. The front and rear of motor vehicles (their combinations) used for driving instruction must be marked with a white equilateral triangle-shaped distinguishing mark with a red border and a black letter "M" in the middle. The length of the side of the triangle is 200-300 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the length of the side.
13. Cars driven by drivers who do not have 2 years of driving experience, vehicles transporting dangerous or heavy cargo, vehicles (their combinations) whose dimensions (with or without cargo) exceed those determined by the Ministry of Transport, as well as motor vehicles, the maximum speed according to the technical characteristics of which is lower than the maximum speed allowed by these rules for those vehicles, there must be a distinctive speed limit sign on the rear, on the left side - a colored sign "Limited speed" indicating the permitted speed. The diameter of the sign is 160-250 mm (not equal to the type of vehicle), the width of the border is 1/10 of the diameter of the sign.
14. The farthest edge points of cargo or vehicles wider than 2.6 m, protruding more than 1 m beyond the dimensions of the vehicle at the front or rear, or protruding at least slightly to the side, must be marked with distinguishing signs - 400 mm long side squares with alternating reflective diagonal white and red strips 50 mm wide (light reflectance - 130-150 cd/lx/m). These signs must be fixed on the vehicle no lower than 0.4 m and no higher than 1.6 m from the ground.
15. In the dark or when visibility is poor, the lights must be on in the specified areas of the vehicle - white from the front, orange from the sides and red from the rear.
16. Vehicles carrying dangerous goods must be marked in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the carriage of dangerous goods with special rectangular orange signs informing about the danger. These signs are manufactured 400 mm long and 300 mm wide, defined by a 15 mm thick black border line, or they can be 300 mm long and 120 mm wide, defined by a 10 mm thick black border line.
17. At the rear of a vehicle longer than 18.75 m with a trailer (except buses with a flexible frame), at a height of 500-1500 mm from the ground, horizontal, rectangular-shaped distinguishing signs placed symmetrically to the axis of the vehicle, covered with a yellow reflective material (lights reflectance 130-150 cd/lx/m), and having a red 40 mm wide fluorescent border. The vehicle may have one (length - from 1130 mm to 2300 mm, width - from 195 mm to 230 mm) or two (length of each mark - from 565 mm to 1130 mm, width - from 195 mm to 230 mm) .
18. The rear of a vehicle longer than 12 m without a trailer (except buses) must be equipped with horizontal, symmetrically arranged rectangular markings with diagonal (45° angle) red fluorescent and yellow reflective strips (light reflectance 130-150 cd/lx) /m). The width of both red and yellow bands is 100 mm. These signs can be one (length - from 1130 mm to 2300 mm, width - from 130 mm to 150 mm) or two (length of each sign - from 565 mm to 1130 mm, width - from 130 mm to 150 mm). The signs must be rimless and mounted so that the downward sloping strips point towards the edge of the vehicle.
19. Motor vehicles, with the exception of motorcycles without a trailer, must have an emergency stop sign, which is an equilateral triangle, the sides of which are 450-500 mm long and made of 50 mm wide reflective material.
20. Each motor vehicle participating in road traffic and its trailer must be marked with a sign of the prescribed form confirming that a state technical inspection has been carried out.